Glad you are mostly ok. Let us know what the specialist says. Believe me, now is the time for action. I hope all goes well for you!
Back in 1993, I was bicycling in a breakdown lane when a large semi pulled a right turn directly in front of me. To avoid hitting the truck head-on, I laid my bicycle down and slid about 20' into the bar-ditch on my right shoulder. I didn't see a doctor and as a result have continuing problems. I have to go and beg for a steroid shot every 2-3 years. After my last shot in 2012, the doctor said, "No more shots. If it flares up again, we need to do surgery, with a minimum recovery period of six to nine months." [Since I don't want to have to shoot left handed for almost a year, I plan on toughing it out if I can.......]