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by Ruark
Fri Jul 03, 2020 10:38 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: So you want to buy a firearm during a pandemic
Replies: 52
Views: 24918

Re: So you want to buy a firearm during a pandemic

I'm seeing the same thing. Nobody has ANY major handgun or rifle calibers (9mm/45acp, 223/5.56) and very little of anything else, unless it's some cheap junk ammo or big 1000-round boxes. Cabinets are bare, except for some revolvers and some high-end race guns. Every place I've been in, people have been just lined up waiting to look at guns, and sales people feverishly rushing back and forth.

Your best bet might be a little mom and pop gun shop in a small rural town somewhere.

12 million in one month? Wow. Hope they'll remember in November.

I feel sorry for people in places like Kaliforna, Chicago, NJ, etc. who can't just go to a gun store and buy something.

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