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by jsenner
Sat Mar 09, 2013 11:49 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: First Contact
Replies: 32
Views: 5503

Re: First Contact

Shasta wrote: Now my question would be trial by judge, or trial by jury? Once again, Mr. Shasta says judge, but I feel that a jury may be more likely to believe the motorist.
Your theory about the jury siding with the motorist is a very good one and it's probably very true - except for the reality that this jury won't be made up of your civically minded peers like us but rather of 12 people who are irritated at having to waste an entire day (probably without pay since they're hourly), having to pay extra money for daycare, reschedule things they had planned for the day, all just to listen to some jerk whine about having to pay a speeding ticket. Their one and only thought will be, "pay it like the rest of us and stop wasting my time. Guilty. Now can we get the hell out of here?"

Even if you get really lucky and get more than a couple non-obamaphone people on your jury, I really think the judge is the only one in that situation that would give you anything close to a fair shake. Life sucks and then you die, in this case. I wish it was different.

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