I had been telling myself even before spending a red cent on my license that I would carry everywhere I could legally do so, at all times. This was just the final nail in the coffin. Like I said in my first post, not too exciting in hind sight, calmer heads did prevail. The thing that made it stand out to me was that in every other tense situation I had been in before deciding to get a CHL, the idea of not having protection didn't register because it wasn't in the cards. Now that it is almost here (tomorrow hopefully) and I have decided that a responsibly carried firearm is necessary to help ensure my (and others) longevity, being without is quite unpleasant. I would liken it to being on a cruise with no life rafts and being told that we may have to abandon ship.
*Edited because I cant seem to make a complete sentence the first go
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- Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:08 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Plastic In the Mail Does Me No Good
- Replies: 12
- Views: 2189
- Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:23 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Plastic In the Mail Does Me No Good
- Replies: 12
- Views: 2189
Re: Plastic In the Mail Does Me No Good
I wouldn't have pulled a gun on anyone not actively trying to endanger our lives of course. It was just a tad tense for a moment, and I worried it could escalate. I agree that a visit from the Sheriff is preferable to a visit with a grand jury, or some paramedics.
- Sun Nov 20, 2011 3:41 am
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Plastic In the Mail Does Me No Good
- Replies: 12
- Views: 2189
Plastic In the Mail Does Me No Good
What happened tonight solidified the idea of always carrying for me.
First off my plastic is in the mail and not in hand, I have my holster and gun all ready to go for when I have it.
I work at a location that sometimes holds private functions. Tonight was one of those nights. I got a call over the radio from one of our managers (I being one as well) requesting backup due to an impending fight about to break out. Long story short a guest didn't like one of our staff giving his cousin (female) a lift on our golf cart and rallied his other "cousins" (his words) to give him a hand in teaching our boy a lesson. These were the sort of people who like to puff up their chests and threaten people to show their machismo, and sometimes known to needlessly propagate violence. "Gangish" is a word I would make up to describe them. While I was pretty sure they were full of empty threats, I had one of my guys call 911 while we tried to defuse the situation, just in case. In the end they ran out of breath and left and a sheriff showed up that was kind enough to hang for a bit to make sure nothing came back up.
The point is, in the height of the incident when we were facing off (the "cousins" and our employees), all I could think was "I had better not get a knife or gun pulled on me while my CHL is sitting in a mail facility and my 1911 is locked up at home." This incident learned me quick that trouble can start anywhere for no reason at all (I knew that but I didnt know it, know it). When that CHL comes Ill have that thing on me like white on rice. Im lucky enough to work in a place with no restrictions on carrying, either as a patron or as an employee.
Not the most exciting story but a story none the less.
PS This is why only keeping your gun in your truck is ignorant to me. If you have time to break from the action, go to your vehicle, come back and use deadly force, you have made a misstep somewhere along the way. When the need does arise it will be immediate and require immediate action.
First off my plastic is in the mail and not in hand, I have my holster and gun all ready to go for when I have it.
I work at a location that sometimes holds private functions. Tonight was one of those nights. I got a call over the radio from one of our managers (I being one as well) requesting backup due to an impending fight about to break out. Long story short a guest didn't like one of our staff giving his cousin (female) a lift on our golf cart and rallied his other "cousins" (his words) to give him a hand in teaching our boy a lesson. These were the sort of people who like to puff up their chests and threaten people to show their machismo, and sometimes known to needlessly propagate violence. "Gangish" is a word I would make up to describe them. While I was pretty sure they were full of empty threats, I had one of my guys call 911 while we tried to defuse the situation, just in case. In the end they ran out of breath and left and a sheriff showed up that was kind enough to hang for a bit to make sure nothing came back up.
The point is, in the height of the incident when we were facing off (the "cousins" and our employees), all I could think was "I had better not get a knife or gun pulled on me while my CHL is sitting in a mail facility and my 1911 is locked up at home." This incident learned me quick that trouble can start anywhere for no reason at all (I knew that but I didnt know it, know it). When that CHL comes Ill have that thing on me like white on rice. Im lucky enough to work in a place with no restrictions on carrying, either as a patron or as an employee.
Not the most exciting story but a story none the less.
PS This is why only keeping your gun in your truck is ignorant to me. If you have time to break from the action, go to your vehicle, come back and use deadly force, you have made a misstep somewhere along the way. When the need does arise it will be immediate and require immediate action.