First, they can't do it, because it's technologically impossible and economically unfeasible even if the "bugs" were worked out. There's millions upon millions of handguns in the United States, with hundreds of designs and thousands of models. You would need a separate trigger design for each one, and most don't have -room- in the gun for it. I'd like to see a "smart trigger" for a 1911, not to mention a little NAA Mini!gthaustex wrote:Once the police, military and groups like the DSS, Secret Service and Capitol Police have had a chance to work out the kinks in this over a few years......oh wait, they will be exempt.
I also don't like the thought that the government could potentially disable a firearm remotely....don't tell me that wouldn't be a (hidden) feature.
Second, they can't do it, because of the above reasons, and because almost every gun owner would be a scofflaw and not "convert" their firearms. The sheer cost of fitting a "smart trigger" to each and every pistol in America is incredibly prohibitive.
Third, they can't do it, because I suspect that, even were it cost-effective and technologically feasible, we would -still- scofflaw. With millions of gun-owners in America, we know it's impossible to force all of us to convert or give up all of our handguns. Even if they go after a few to "make examples," all that will do is encourage many to hold on to, retain, and hide, the rest of them.
Fourth, they can't do it, because most law enforcement would flat-out refuse to engage in the kind of tyranny required to enforce this sort of idea.
And fifth, they can't do it, because not only would this last less time in the courts before being overturned than a snowball in the "hot place," but most of those who voted for it would be bounced out of office so quickly it'd make burning magnesium seem glacial in comparison.
This is pandering and posturing, pure and simple. It does, however, demonstrate exactly how much power they'd -like- to have, as well as demonstrating the kind of tyranny they want to lead. Make no mistake, there are those people out there, in this country, with fingers near levers of power, who are jealous of Stalin, Mao, and Hitler, for the kinds of power they wielded.