Been there, done that, aggressive "panhandler" in his late teens / early twenties, wearing a hoodie sweatshirt with the hood up in late May, in west Texas. I was leaving a store with my mother, and he tried to "get around" me to get to her, left hand held out, right jammed into the pocket of his sweatshirt. I put my hand on my belt near my gun (without exposing it), and he got the message and sprinted about 40 yards away, then turned and yelled "I thought you were good people!" at me. Body language was all wrong for a panhandler, and most beggars, even if they recognized my action, would've persisted, albeit more cautiously. Someone looking to mug / rob someone, though, especially a smart one, would be looking out for anything that might indicate the "victim" is anything but.
Had he actually gotten around me, my mother would've given him the shock of his life! Well, her and her Sig.