Because summer carry anywhere south of the Mason-Dixon line gets "interesting" trying to keep it concealed without overheating?o b juan wrote:But I have never understood why anyone would want to open Carry!!!
Because sometimes you don't want to sweat all over your pistol?
Because sometimes you don't want to bother?
Because you're making a political statement?
Because you're acting as a visual deterrent to criminals?
Because you're showing the public-at-large that there's nothing to be feared from a "man with a gun"?
Because you have a pretty pistol that you want to show off as a functional work of art?
Because you're a woman, and sometimes nice clothes or comfort get in the way of concealment?
Because you're poking a stick in the eye of the anti-gunners?
Because this is America, because the Second Amendment makes no distinction for concealed vs open, because you can?
As you can probably tell, this is a bit of a pet peeve of mine. I understand that there are some people that have no desire to openly carry, for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons are good ones, some are frankly founded on faulty data or fears, and some are simply personal choices made regardless of any external factors. Yet, just because one person will not do something doesn't mean no one else should.
Freedom isn't restricted to just those things we like, or use. If it is, it's not freedom, it's privilege.