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by rcasady
Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:54 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Tremont, Galveston
Replies: 23
Views: 3794

Re: Tremont, Galveston

i always have fun in Galveston and go quite often , you just have to be smart like anywhere else . it has some character :biggrinjester: and more to do than you probably know about . and it has gotten much better since Ike

Tremont is a beautiful hotel , and yes they do still have a bar (dont remember a 30.06) actually if you take the original ghost tour they will bring the whole group into the lobby and by the bar where it is said to be haunted :shock: it definitely has a rich history and is very nice

i support the island whenever possible , if you wanna check the surf or just see whats going on on the island check out this website . its run by a fella named BILLY he's great ,does alot around town (christian surfers) and takes wonderful photos ! he post 10 shots every single day of the island rain or shine along with his live feed of the surf from the webcam at his realty shop in seawall" onclick=";return false;

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