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by mayor
Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:18 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1715
Views: 1501064

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- ATF to ban private gun sales

philip964 wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 8:17 am ... leblowers/

ATF to ban private gun sales says whistleblower.
Sounds good to a libtard. How is it enforced? The gov can't stop already illegal sales as it is.
by mayor
Sat Jan 13, 2024 12:07 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1715
Views: 1501064

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Too slow and too timid on Jan 6 protestors.

philip964 wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 1:11 pm American citizen has been murdered in an Ukrainian prison most likely from torture approved by Brandon. ... 43906?s=20

So the real question here is will Brandon be tried for murder after Trump takes office. Or will SCOTUS rule that the President is immune from prosecution for acts committed while being President.
Interesting conundrum.
by mayor
Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:43 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1715
Views: 1501064

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Brandonomics and the border wall

philip964 wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 8:23 pm
mayor wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 7:15 pm I read a conspiracy theory that the reason Ken Paxton was impeached was to take him out of action against the Brandon admin.
I don’t think it’s a conspiracy theory, but real. ... s-into-us/

Apparently Trump’s border wall has flood gates at dry creek locations in Arizona. Guess who left all the gates open for the last six months. Doah!
I don't think it's conspiracy theory either. I do think it is a conspiracy.
by mayor
Mon Aug 21, 2023 7:15 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1715
Views: 1501064

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Brandonomics and the border wall

I read a conspiracy theory that the reason Ken Paxton was impeached was to take him out of action against the Brandon admin.
by mayor
Sat Jul 29, 2023 12:58 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1715
Views: 1501064

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- his crime family goes way back

Paladin wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 7:45 pm Filmmaker Oliver Stone Regrets Voting for Joe Biden: ‘I Made a Mistake!’
“This is a potential World War III,” the two-time Oscar-winning director said. “This is the same situation as World War I, in a sense. The stupidity of it — because of the alliances and the fears and the built-up phobias.
He added: “I see a man [Biden] who maybe is not in charge of his own administration. Who knows [if] he’s going to fall down somewhere. It seems that he’s dragging us stupidly into a confrontation with a power that’s not going to give.”
Agree completely with Oliver Stone. Especially on the part that he made a mistake! ;-)
I hope "81 million" ( "rlol" ) realize what a mistake they made.
by mayor
Fri Jul 21, 2023 1:43 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1715
Views: 1501064

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- 5 million for the big guy

philip964 wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:30 am ...No matter 1/2 the country doesn’t care as long as Trump is not President.
I have a friend that is glad DJT isn't President. When I try to sincerely ask for an honest reason, he goes off on Russia, Russia, Russia, phone call, impeached twice, classified documents, etc. - all the usual MSM talking points. When I ask about his thoughts on Hunter, and Joey taking bribes he says it is Trumps campaign's disinformation. I asked if he is better off with biden (he's retired) his answer is "nobody is" like that excuses it. I avoid talking to him at all.
by mayor
Fri Jul 14, 2023 6:05 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1715
Views: 1501064

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- video nibbles on little girl

If a face like that was coming at me, I'd turn away, too.
by mayor
Sat Jun 17, 2023 9:54 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1715
Views: 1501064

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

I despise Brandon and his entire administration.
by mayor
Wed Jun 14, 2023 4:17 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1715
Views: 1501064

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

Nothing more than theatre. Someone commented "If Grassley has read the document, and if it's not classified, why doesn't Cruz or Hawley ask Grassley why *he* isn't releasing it to the public? Doesn't the public have the right to know?" I agree whole heartedly. If it isn't classified, release it to the public. Abbate said: “What I will tell you with respect to the document, the document was redacted to protect the source, as everyone knows, and this is a question of life and death, potentially.”
Is this a threat?
by mayor
Wed Jun 14, 2023 1:55 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1715
Views: 1501064

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

03Lightningrocks wrote: Wed Jun 14, 2023 8:08 am
Ruark wrote: Wed Jun 14, 2023 6:56 am
03Lightningrocks wrote: Tue Jun 13, 2023 11:26 am ....We The People, sit back and do NOTHING about it.That tree of Liberty becomes thirstier every day.
I think most people are thinking something like, "well... yeah... so what am I supposed to do?"
Same thoughts here. Unfortunately we still have folks who think their vote means something. Eventually they will realize their vote means nothing. The only question is, will it be too late? Our country is no longer a Republic. We are ruled over by the very people we expect to represent us.
It's never too late. Improvise, adapt, overcome. There's always something else that can be done.
And joey thinks he knows what is best:
by mayor
Sat May 06, 2023 11:21 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1715
Views: 1501064

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

The Annoyed Man wrote: Sat May 06, 2023 2:39 pm
Rafe wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 2:31 pmCheck the attached chart for a pretty strong predictive relationship between Fed interest rate hikes as leading indicators of recessions. This is gonna get worse before it gets any better.
The correlation between the peaks of the fed rates and the recessions immediately following them is startling. I am certain that it is causation and not merely correlation. That’s the first time I’ve ever seen it illustrated like that. And by the way, it’s not like Yahoo is a conservative news outlet that's always looking for ways to criticize the child-sniffer's policies and administration.

What I do know is that inflation is killing me, and each month is getting a little tighter at the end of the month. It’s starting to worry me.
Same here. I retired January 2022 and I'm already feeling the pinch.
by mayor
Mon Dec 05, 2022 7:11 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1715
Views: 1501064

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

powerboatr wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:57 pm
philip964 wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 11:22 am ... il-strike/

Brandon signs bill to force rail workers to work over holidays averting a strike.

Dems are anti freedom but arnt they

pro labor? right?
there are ways around this
rail workers can slooooooowwww down, say equipment is not safe or any number of things
i am now way pro union, but i am darn sure pro right to work and pro being paid commensurate with the job and skills, without big brother telling me what i should be paid or have as earned leave
congress/president etc..say rail workers get "ENOUGH" leave..union should counter and say rail workers should toss it back to congress and have them use same rail workers leave schedules :biggrinjester: :rules:

flu is supposed to be bad this year :biggrinjester:
Correct, flu season has started and is brutal. I'm sure railroad employees are not immune. Last time I had the flu I was off work for 10 days.
by mayor
Fri Dec 02, 2022 12:09 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1715
Views: 1501064

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

philip964 wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 5:44 pm ... ge-at-msp/

Brandon’s pick to safeguard America’s nuclear waste who you may remember from a photo posted here, has taken a leave of absence after being arrested for stealing a stylish woman’s luggage at baggage pick up at the airport. He did not check luggage on his flight.

Probably won’t see this on MSM.

The photo is posted on the link.
What more evidence do we need that the guy has mental problems and shouldn't be anywhere near nuclear anything.
by mayor
Sun Oct 09, 2022 6:10 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1715
Views: 1501064

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

philip964 wrote: Sun Oct 09, 2022 4:57 pm

We are living in a Leslie Nielsen movie.
Just making sure... You realize that Boebert is making fun of biden saying "Two words: made in America"?
No offense intended.
by mayor
Tue Oct 04, 2022 9:59 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability
Replies: 1715
Views: 1501064

Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon

This is a lot to digest. I'll get back.
Mike S wrote: Mon Oct 03, 2022 4:20 pm
powerboatr wrote: Mon Oct 03, 2022 1:56 pm that seems very odd. not to mention the environmental issue
there are other ways
I'm thinking it's Putin's version of the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

Here's my counter to any 'experts' or pundits who claim 'it just doesn't make sense ' for Russia to have sabotaged it's own pipeline that was operating at minimal capacity already. Either these 'experts' don't understand Center of Gravity analysis or don't have the mental capacity to be speaking of grown up topics ((or, they're drinking their own Kool-Aid & clinging to their last 15-minutes of fame by pulling things out of their 4th point of contact)). ((Please note that's not directed at anyone on this forum; there's a difference between a lay person & a so-called expert)).

Why is any of this in U.S. interest? Because our economy is tied to the global economy. When we have global stability, we prosper. ((This is probably why Obama/Trump/Biden didn't overreact to the initial invasion of Ukraine/ annexation of Crimea. By letting it play out, we were able to build capacity within Ukraine & let them do the heavy lifting, empowered by our training, technology, & equipment. It's cost us billions by adding to the national debt, but in the long run the global economy will improve, benefiting us without having to commit troops to the actual fighting. Stability = increased GDP for everyone; when the global economy is strong, our GDP is strong)).

Defending Ukraine is a good thing for us strategically. ((Limiting Russia's disruptive behavior & reassuring the neighboring countries of their security; eventually stabilizing EUCOM; demonstrating to China/Iran/nKorea how the U.S. military power, even when used by a proxy military, is far superior to what was assessed as 'the world's 2nd most powerful military')).

Why is it dumb for the U.S. to have sabotaged the Nord Stream or sponsored someone else to do it?

Sabotaging the European economy, especially a strategic ally such as Germany isn't in our short or long term interest. ((See above; our economy is tied to the world's economy & stability. A strong Germany is good for EUCOM stability / NATO, & enables them to support the coalition providing support for Ukraine)).

Why would Putin/ Russia sabotage their own pipeline?

Target audience for Strategic information ops (ie, International PSYOPS desired effects):

- blame U.S. / U.K. in order to disrupt domestic support within those countries ((remember there is a midterm election coming up here, & many Republicans have sounded off against Xiden's support of Ukraine. Domestic talking points here don't occur in a vacuum, & other state actors play us against each other, because instability here benefits our adversaries)).

- blame Poland for benefiting by opening their own pipeline, coincidentally timed on the same day as the Nord Stream bursting. Cause international stink-eye against a Ukrainian ally, where much of the support inbound to Ukraine is flowing thru. There is also a Russian territory just south of Poland; if Russian was to launch an attack into Poland from this territory ((similar to how Russia used Belarus to attack Ukraine)), Russia can use this as 'justification' for the attack. Or, Russian sponsored asymmetric attacks on Polish infrastructure, especially against the Polish natural gas pipeline supplying the Germans in the middle of winter.

- any other population groups that are sympathetic to Russia, to embolden international support for Russia / degrade international support for Ukraine, or anyone supporting Ukraine.

Domestic PSYOP target audiences / desired effects (domestic as in targeting their own population within Russia):

- the Nord Stream 1 was already operating at 10% capacity, & was needing repairs of it's turbines. Russia had slowed the flow of gas to the E.U to influence Germany to not supply Ukraine with weapons/equipment. Germany / E.U. was scrambling for alternative sources prior to winter, & likely had strategic plans working to mitigate the disastrous effects (ie, the Polish pipeline). Being able to mitigate the lack of Russian natural gas also somewhat neuters Russia's leverage.

- By blaming everyone/anyone else, Russia can play the 'victim' & claim justification with their own people if they attack the Polish pipeline, or the Poles in general with conventional or asymmetrical attacks. Remember that the Russian population was split between supporting the 'special military operation' in Ukraine/neutral because it didn't affect them/didn't support the invasion. Playing the victim allows Russia to play the national pride card & give legitimacy because 'someone attacked them first'.

- The Russian people are feeling some effects of the economic sanctions, & Russia can now blame someone else for the pain they are causing within their own population. "It's not my fault you're not prospering like before; it's someone else's fault". ((This despite the fact that the Russians were already slowing down the tap of natural gas in order to coerce Germany to not supply military hardware to Ukraine, & the only operational pipeline was only at 10% capacity anyway)).

- Russia's 'partial mobilization ' of 300k reservist/conscripts isn't going so well in the face of popular support wavering for their 'special military operation'. The spectre of the might of the Russian military is also shattered, with Russian troops giving up territory. Especially embarrassing that the territory that was just annexed via a 'referendum' / vote has entire units leaving & locals expressing their real feelings when liberated by Ukrainian forces. By staging their own version of the Gulf of Tonkin (ie, blowing up a couple sections of both pipelines & blaming it on U.S./U.K./Poland/anyone else, Russia plays the victim card & legitimizes the need for this mobilization.

- Nord Stream 1 was in need of repairs, & Nord Stream 2 was 'finished' but never made operational. Both reportedly had maintenance issues. Instead of losing face domestically based on inability to maintain a stream of GDP, sabotage it & blame someone else. ((Admittedly this assessment isn't as strong as the others, but national pride is pretty strong & important inside Russia))

---------------- Break ----------------

I'm not a retired Col. I've never served as an advisor to any political appointee, SecDef, or the Pentagon. But, if any of these self proclaimed experts can't cite a single reason why Russia would have sabotaged their own pipeline, I question their competencies. Or, they have their own agenda / interest to gain from. Especially those liberal talking heads linked above.

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