I like the Shield fine...well except for the piece on the extended magazine that can slide up and down the magazine body....and the BIG problem that they aren't too easy to find around here at the moment.You did not mention the M&P Shield. It is the single-stack brother of the M&P compact. It comes in 9 or 40. Depending on your hand size you may or may not be able to get your pinky on the standard magazine. My pinky lands about halfway on. They have a longer magazine with 8 rounds that my finger fits on just fine as well. The CW9 is also a good choice, but the trigger has a totally different feel compared to Glocks or M&Ps -- not in a bad way, just different. XDs would be a good choice also if you aren't bothered by the current recall...
Concerning Kahr triggers, no problem with it when I tried one out...just have to remember to let it ALL the way out for reset. I really prefer he M&P9c, but the size is what's holding me back.