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by Wfahey
Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:28 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: That feeling you get...
Replies: 28
Views: 5107

Re: That feeling you get...

Thanks for the feedback everyone. It is very much appreciated. This a nice car wash but the reality is just about all of San Antonio has become crime ridden. The west and south sides of town used to get all the negative press but things are getting bad in the Northwest and Northeast now too. This is the whole reason I decided it was time to get my CHL. If I could find a decent job between here and Austin I would move tomorrow. :grumble
by Wfahey
Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:01 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: That feeling you get...
Replies: 28
Views: 5107

That feeling you get...

I am new to the forum and recently completed the CHL course. One of the things my CHL really stressed was to be very observant to your surroundings. Last week I took my truck to the car wash, washed it and moved it to the area where you can dry and vacuum it. For whatever reason, an old beat up Lexus caught my attention when it pulled into the stall I had just vacated. Several minutes went by and I noticed the driver was just sitting in the car staring in my direction and had not begun to wash his car. I proceeded to dry my truck but was just not comfortable turning my back towards that Lexus. I even altered the way I dried the truck so that the driver of the car was always in front of me. Normally I do everything on the truck right there, windows, tires, vacuum, black trim the works. Not on this day, I felt the best thing to do was to get out of there and put distance between me and what could have become a bad situation.

Maybe I was paranoid but I felt that even with a gun, I was better off putting a potential situation behind me rather than waiting around and seeing what "might" happen.


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