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by n5wd
Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:25 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Alternative to LC9s
Replies: 17
Views: 5374

Re: Alternative to LC9s

While you're trying compact pistols out, give the Walther PPS in 9mm or .40 a try. It doesn't have the thumb safety, but does have the grip safety along with the trigger safety. It's comparable in size/weight to the LC9s. I carried a PPS in 9mm for a number of years before switching to the LC9s as my primary EDC, and am comfortable carrying either. The primary reason I'm carrying the LC9s more often is the Viridian R5 laser, which activates upon the gun leaving the holster and deactivates when being holstered (a magnet in the holster activates a magnetic switch in the laser).

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