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by n5wd
Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:52 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Do you use VA Clinics? Why do you go there?
Replies: 21
Views: 3487

Re: Do you use VA Clinics? Why do you go there?

According to the VA guidelines, I'm eligible for disability and treatments secondary to early onset diabetes thanks to Agent Orange exposure while in Vietnam.

But, after taking patients to the Fort Worth, Dallas, and Waco VA clinics/hospitals/medical centers while working on an MICU ambulance in the Fort Worth area, the stories I heard from the patients and their families, and what I saw with my own eyes, makes me want to avoid the VA system as much as possible. It's not wholly the staff's fault - it's the Congresscritters who won't fund the VA system like it should be funded to take care of those who served our country. It's a disgrace, and everyone in this country should be ashamed of the VA.

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