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by elpjt
Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:34 pm
Forum: Competitive Shooting
Topic: Anyone do Cowboy Action Shooting ?
Replies: 14
Views: 3348

Re: Anyone do Cowboy Action Shooting ?

Costumes can set you back a pretty penny but most start with a pair of boots, jeans, a pearl button shirt, and a cowboy hat. What gets expensive is when the wife decides she wants to participate in the fun and needs her own rig. I would start out with the essentials and expand as you like. We are up to four holster rigs around five outfits and accessories. We have a great time and get family bragging rights to who scored higher in their division. And the looks you get when going to lunch after the match are priceless.
by elpjt
Sat Apr 20, 2013 7:23 pm
Forum: Competitive Shooting
Topic: Anyone do Cowboy Action Shooting ?
Replies: 14
Views: 3348

Re: Anyone do Cowboy Action Shooting ?

Baytown_Cajun wrote:Do you have to shoot rifles, shotguns, and single action revolvers, just one alone or all combined ? I really like classic style shotguns and lever rifles, but not single action revolvers.

A cowboy match usually has several stages (scenarios) that involve the use of your weapons. A standard stage might be 5 shots from one of your pistols holstering it and then 5 shots with your other pistol. Then a 10 shot string from a pistol caliber rifle. The shotgun is usually a four shot string. Single action revolvers, a lever action rifle in the same caliber and a 20 or 12 ga. shotgun rounds out the usual gun list. In the wild bunch division a 1911 is substituted for the revolver and a Winchester 1897 pump shotgun is used instead of a side by side. Accuracy is rewarded and time is recorded. Do not be surprised to see a revolver division beat the wild bunch guys. I won my last match wild bunch division but missed match winner by around 20 seconds. Those old guys can really shoot. Its a great time and a challenge to your skills.

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