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by Lucky45
Sun Dec 09, 2007 7:37 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Louis Farrakhan writes about Joe Horn
Replies: 175
Views: 27059

srothstein wrote:Why did he not try to stop them before Horn came out (I understand the hiding while Horn was there with a shotgun, though I disagree)?
I would guess that if I was in plainclothes and heard the radio traffic on my way to the call, then I wouldn't have gotten out unless it was just me confronting them or there were other uniformed patrol there that knows me. Reason being, because Horn already expressed his intentions many times to the operator, and these intentions were relayed on APB by another operator in the control room. You can hear it in the 911 call. Then when you know the mentally of some people who boldly insert themselves into your line of work, I wouldn't have gotten out either. Few years back a off-duty Harris County sheriff deputy was shot in his apartment complex when he came out to help and was "mistaken" since he was "a man" who "fit the description" and had a gun of course.
srothstein wrote:If he pulled up while Horn was out, then how could he have seen everything and why did Horn not see him?

He was looking between the 2 houses and would be able to see it. Also, Horn was obviously looking for a marked police vehicle that is why he did not notice the unmarked car. He said there wasn't any police present in the 911 call
srothstein wrote:There is no way Horn could have thought he was the wheelman if he pulls up as Horn is confronting them and shouts "Police" with his pistol pointing at the bad guys.
When I find out the race of the plainclothes LEO then I will answer this question.
by Lucky45
Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:15 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Louis Farrakhan writes about Joe Horn
Replies: 175
Views: 27059

stevie_d_64 wrote:Hmmmm, man with tire iron and a bag of stuff coming out of my nieghbors window to their house, heading straight for me...

I don't have a flat tire... :shock:
I think we can correct this info with statements from the police report.
Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle
Dec. 8, 2007, 10:05AM

Neither suspect was armed, but one had a "center punch," a 6-inch pointed metal tool, in his pocket that might be used as a weapon, authorities said.
So obviously, a search of the crime scene and suspects did not produce a crowbar or a tire iron. These items were in the shooter's head.

Also another piece of info.
Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle
Dec. 8, 2007, 10:05AM

In another twist, investigators revealed that a plainclothes Pasadena detective witnessed the Nov. 14 shootings after he pulled up in an unmarked car seconds before Horn fired three shots from his 12-gauge shotgun......................."We now have a summary documenting what we think happened," said Capt. A.H. "Bud" Corbett. "We will turn it over to the district attorney in a couple of weeks after we do an extensive review for quality control."..........................Corbett said the plainclothes detective, whose name has not been released, had parked in front of Horn's house in response to the 911 call. He saw the men between Horn's house and his neighbor's before they crossed into Horn's front yard.
Corbett believes neither Horn nor the men knew a police officer was present. "It was over within seconds. The detective never had time to say anything before the shots were fired," Corbett said. "At first, the officer was assessing the situation. Then he was worried Horn might mistake him for the 'wheel man' (get-away driver). He ducked at one point." When Horn confronted the suspects in his yard, he raised his shotgun to his shoulder, Corbett said. However the men ignored his order to freeze. Corbett said one man ran toward Horn, but had angled away from him toward the street when he was shot in the back just before reaching the curb. "The detective confirmed that this suspect was actually closer to Horn after he initiated his run than at the time when first confronted," said Corbett. "Horn said he felt in jeopardy."
So now I have my question answered about where exactly were the police.

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