I, and several other people that I know, went to Starbucks on that "appreciation day" and some paid with the significant $2.00 bills, but no one seemed to notice that we were carrying, just as no one seemed to notice the supposed boycott.tommyg wrote:Gun owners made a big mistake when they swarmed Starbuck's carrying guns to protest a boycott
started by the anti crowd. A much better approach would be to quietly go into your local
Starbuck's and buy as many of their products that you can afford. Keep in mind that Starbuck's
wants to sell coffee not get into the gun issue. If their sales go up then they will ignore the boycott.
If their sales go down then they will give in to the boycott. Remember Starbuck's is in it for the
money not the gun issue.
When some gun owners went in to Starbuck's carrying guns it made the anti gun crown more intent
on getting guns out of Starbuck's. Gun Owners inadvertently started a trend of no guns in stores.
This trend is likely to spread all over the country.They also ran off many liberal
customers with their guns and the liberal money is as good as ours.
Now think about it a buycott is the most effective way to make a boycott back fire. Don't ever try to
inflame a bunch of liberals by rubbing guns in their faces in a retail business. Save the rubbing guns
in liberal faces for protests at the capitol and pro gun marches.
Never buy anything from any business with a valid 3006 sign. Remember a gun buster
sign may well have been put up by someone on our side to placate the liberals to get their business. All of us
know that a gun buster does not mean anything. And always remember concealed is concealed
Please don't fall into this trap set by the anti-gun crowd they are severely brain washes but they
are dangerous and some of them are smart in some ways . A brain washed person is not necessarily stupid.
The brain washed are capable of plotting against us. Please think before you act
The mistake was made by people who thought that Starbucks' neutral attitude was actually welcoming and they should show off their ignorance by open carrying. But that did not happen on the appreciation day.
I never shop at a place that has a valid 30.06 sign, and I let them know why, and I avoid places with invalid signs because I think it is just as likely that they are not knowledgeable enough to know that the invalid sign is unenforceable, and that the police are just as likely to arrest someone for a different violation even if the person was carrying legally, and I let those places know why too. I am sorry if it offends those of you that think that you are either getting away with something, or that it is a tacit way for business owners to placate the liberals, but after discussing it with several business owners I have found none that are appeasers, several that think that their sign banning ALL guns is just as effective as a valid 30.06, and a few that actually didn't think about it at all. And not one of them followed up by putting up a valid 30.06, although a couple did take down their invalid signs.