A: Guy behind, being a CHL, should know better.5thGenTexan wrote:Guy behind "Am I ok to carry in on my license?"
Brainwave security guy "Sure I just need to take down some info."
Guy "That's ok I don't have it with me this time."
Anyone think APD officers inside would believe the guy and not file on him or the DPS wouldn't yank his license if he were spotted.
While I would LOVE it to be true, I couldn't stand for some one to get busted, filed on and lose the license because a poorly trained private security guy didn't know what he was talking about. Had to send a note to the VP in charge of stadium operations and security.
B: If it was not for a professional sporting event, then Brainwave might have been half right, although we stirred up enough of an uproar about State Fair security taking down "some info" that they don't do that any more.