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by jimlongley
Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:31 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: CNN Gun Control Poll
Replies: 78
Views: 10046

Re: CNN Gun Control Poll

tuna wrote:
RPB wrote:You might have trouble up around TOW Texas on Lake Buchanan where in the Newspaper there's usually photos of 6-year old girls and a deer they shot and 14-year old girls in Marble Falls winning National marksmanship awards
I might. It makes me leery, girls especially.
Guns around Kids is as normal as bicycles (which are dangerous).
I'll accept bicycles are dangerous, but guns around kids as normal? No... that's preposterous.

I was raised around guns, as were most of my contemporaries, and my kids were raised around guns. We understood from the earliest age that they were not toys and that they could be very dangerous. My high school had a shooting team until the mid sixties, my late wife's school the same, and the two, plus others competed against each other. I had some of those marksmanship awards and killed some of that game.

There is nothing preposterous about raising kids to be safe around guns just as they need to be raised to be safe around any other dangerous things, including swimming pools and knives, actually the thing that's preposterous is to raise children isolated from dangerous things and then expect them to be safe with them as they get older.

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