In lots of years as a telephone man, there were very few locks I couldn't get through with a key that just fit in the lock and a rap fom a screwdriver handle. Didn't do it to get into houses and stuff, but apartment complexes that locked up the rooms where the telephone terminals were.C-dub wrote:For those that haven't yet, ya'll are gonna hate to hear about this. There's a thing called a "bump key."" onclick=";return false;
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- Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:05 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Cleared the house this morning
- Replies: 32
- Views: 4186
Re: Cleared the house this morning
- Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:35 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Cleared the house this morning
- Replies: 32
- Views: 4186
Re: Cleared the house this morning
I 1985 my late wife and I bought a new house, that had been the builder's office, but not for very long, we put a binder on it before it as finished and he only used it as an office while he was finishing it and trying to talk us into letting him build a different one for us. His secretary was not supposed to sell that house, he claimed he was just building it as a model, but she, also a licensed realtor, took the binder and signed the paperwork with us.
Shortly after we moved in we discovered the first of several problems that occurred due to shortcuts the builder took after we bought the house out from under him, and we had to do battle, all the way up to small claims court, to get each of them fixed. The judge and I were on a first name basis after a couple of years.
Anyway, the point of this is, my wife thought, a couple of times, that someone had been in the house, and shortly after winning the first court case I happened to be home, actually waiting for a call from the builder so he could come by and fix the problem as the judge told him to, and he unlocked the front door and walked in.
He almost got shot.
The locks got changed.
A couple of weeks later we were back in front of the judge fr something else he was dragging his feet at fixing, and he actually had the gall to complain that I had changed the locks. He stated that he was "the landlord" and "the mortgage holder" and this gave him the right to enter whenever he wanted. He also complained about my "pulling a gun" on him. The judge accepted my word that I was not renting and that he did not hold the mortgage and ordered him not to enter my property without my permission, and then only to repair the problems that I was finding.
Shortly after we moved in we discovered the first of several problems that occurred due to shortcuts the builder took after we bought the house out from under him, and we had to do battle, all the way up to small claims court, to get each of them fixed. The judge and I were on a first name basis after a couple of years.
Anyway, the point of this is, my wife thought, a couple of times, that someone had been in the house, and shortly after winning the first court case I happened to be home, actually waiting for a call from the builder so he could come by and fix the problem as the judge told him to, and he unlocked the front door and walked in.
He almost got shot.
The locks got changed.
A couple of weeks later we were back in front of the judge fr something else he was dragging his feet at fixing, and he actually had the gall to complain that I had changed the locks. He stated that he was "the landlord" and "the mortgage holder" and this gave him the right to enter whenever he wanted. He also complained about my "pulling a gun" on him. The judge accepted my word that I was not renting and that he did not hold the mortgage and ordered him not to enter my property without my permission, and then only to repair the problems that I was finding.