Just as firepower is, in reality, a function of making hits, being outgunned is a function of who hits whom and how often, so obviously it was the guy with the AK that was outgunned.longtooth wrote:This is only one of the reasons training is soooo important. When you are outgunned this bad, better training is imperrative.
Years ago I issued a challenge to an anti-gun yo-yo who was mouthing off about how horrible it was with all of these gang bangers outgunning the police because they had Uzis. Not that this was a couple of decades ago when Uzi was the anti-gun gun of choice to justify outlawing ALL guns.
I suggested that we have a duel. The anti-rights person would get an Uzi and any amount of ammo, and I would get my '03-A3 Springfield and one round, and face off at a distance of 600 yards we would see who was outgunned. If the anti-gun nut was not confident enough in his firepower, I offered an alternative that we each would shoot at targets at the same range, with the highest percentage of hits on target determining the winner.
I have offered a similar challenge for handguns and shotguns, and have never had any serious takers. Maybe they realize that they are misusing the terms and don't want to lose.