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by jimlongley
Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:07 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Who would quit their job
Replies: 50
Views: 7313

Re: Who would quit their job

Kalrog wrote:
jimlongley wrote:These days I work at Home Depot, and have several offers in a similar pay range, so moving on would not be a problem. Home Depot has a "No Weapons" policy, which includes knives and other things they consider to be weapons, and also the parking lot is off limits.
I used to work at Builder's Square (K-Mart owned direct competitor to Home Depot in those days) back in High School. I don't know as though I could have done my job without a box cutter and/or knife. How does that work at Home Depot when I see most of the floor associates carrying knives?
We get issued Home Depot official utility knives with blades that do not extend as far as regular utility knives, all other knives are unauthorized and may be considered prohibited weapons. This being Texas, most associates do carry other knives, but you usually couldn't pay them enough to use them on the job.

A couple of weeks ago a fellow associate was trying to cut heavy hemp line with the heated rope cutter, which doesn't work very well, and then tried to use his utility knife to no avail. I was walking by and pulled out my small SOG Flash, and he kind of giggled that that puny little thing wasn't going to be much use - then it took only two strokes for me to cut the hemp - we did discuss the possibility that I might have gotten caught using the prohibited knife.

It's not the first, nor I expect the last, time I have used non Home Depot issued tools to do my job.
by jimlongley
Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:51 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Who would quit their job
Replies: 50
Views: 7313

Re: Who would quit their job

pt145ss wrote:Ok...out of curiosity...those of you who said you would many of you are currently working for a company that has a no guns policy? Granted, a policy not written in the words of 30.06 would not land you in jail...but you could land in the well-fare line.
These days I work at Home Depot, and have several offers in a similar pay range, so moving on would not be a problem. Home Depot has a "No Weapons" policy, which includes knives and other things they consider to be weapons, and also the parking lot is off limits.
by jimlongley
Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:10 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Who would quit their job
Replies: 50
Views: 7313

Re: Who would quit their job

Being on the downside of a long and undistiguished career, I wouldn't hesitate to quit, I can always find another job like this.

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