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by knotquiteawake
Thu Jan 31, 2013 9:22 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Chickens
Replies: 31
Views: 4533

Re: Chickens

I've been wanting Chickens for ages. We used to keep about a dozen or so growing up out in the country. I remember the coup/run stinking pretty bad at times and them being pretty loud cluckers. This is why I've been hesitant to go through and build a coup/run and get some going on my backyard. From what I read in the city code for Rowlett I can have a 3-4 or something like that, no roosters though.

Anyone with them in their urban environment able to comment on the noise/smell? I would probably have just 2 or 3, the coup would be small and they would have to have a run no bigger than 1/2 the size of a std bedroom. They can't roam free in the yard because we're surrounded by dogs on all three sides with pretty crappy fences so if the dog got it in his/her mind to come through they would come through. I dont' want to have to go to the neighbors house to tell them they need to pickup the body of their dog.

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