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by knotquiteawake
Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:04 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Always Carry...ALWAYS!!!!
Replies: 62
Views: 14018

Re: Always Carry...ALWAYS!!!!

billfromtx wrote: In his lap was towel covering something I assumed was a pistol because his hand never left it. He said your going to give me $20 bucks...Anger and rage took over and I told him he was not going to get $20 bucks...he wasnt getting anything from me but hurt...I was ready to grab what he had in his lap and beat his sorry rear to death with it,,,:mad:
When I worked for Public Safety at a University we had a guy going around to young women asking for directions, money, help ect in his car... He also had a towel over his lap with his hand on something the whole time. Turned out it wasn't a gun! :anamatedbanana Maybe its a good thing you didn't grab what was in his lap and beat him with it. Could have been the granddaughter playing in the yard that drew his attention, theres a lot of creepos out there these days.

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