My, my, my how things have changed! Here is another update...and it is a good one!Blindref757 wrote:I've had my plastic for a couple of months now and the wife has not really cared too much either way. She supported me getting it, she doesn't think that money spent on guns and ammo are really in the budget, but she isn't anti-gun. She's made a few little jabs at me when I've put on my holster to go to eat or to wally world--but I thought it was just in fun.
Today we hit a wall when I started to head out to church with my gun in my holster. She really threw a fit...she didn't see any need to be armed in the house of the Lord. I didn't have the time or energy to I left it on the dresser.
Any tips on trying to get her to understand? I get it...I know we could have car trouble on the way, we could be in an accident with an enraged driver, and while highly unlikely, an active shooter could bust through the doors of the sanctuary. She is viewing my carrying as a "little man syndrome" (I'm 6-3/290) instead of preparedness for disaster.
This post 3 years ago was one of my first on this forum. Since this time, my wife has really gone through a big change in her much so that we went to the local gun show last weekend and bought her a brand new Glock 42...and she is getting her fingerprints done today and taking her class tomorrow! She is taking the class without me...and her instructor is a former firearms instructor for BATFE. I know she will be properly instructed and will probably come out shooting better than me!
Oh...and I don't weigh 290...down to 250!