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by mojo84
Tue Dec 20, 2016 8:53 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Texas Republican elector won't vote Trump
Replies: 127
Views: 22202

Re: Texas Republican elector won't vote Trump

dale blanker wrote:
G.A. Heath wrote:This elector was not breaking his oath/pledge in doing what the founders intended. Instead what he did was break a pledge in an effort to enrich himself and/or his "charity" that is now getting a much closer look. This man has a history of behaviour indicates he is a less than honest person. My advice would be to think long and hard before holding this man up as a "Constitutionalist" or "Patriot" because he is more like a carpet bagger.
Naw, I wasn't endorsing Chris Suprun as anything, only defending what I believe should be all electors rights. I still think it's a neat idea to have a filter on the popular opinion which seems so frequently to be poorly informed or formed.
Yes you were. What you "believe" and what is are two different things. He is an elector for the state of Texas. The citizens of the state chose Trump. Trump is qualified. He should have voted Trump based on his pledge. Nothing twisted in that logic except it doesn't align with your progressive liberal thoughts and beliefs.

If it wasn't this way, the east and west coasts would chose all of our presidents. This system spreads the decision more equitably among the citizens of the states.
by mojo84
Mon Dec 19, 2016 9:19 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Texas Republican elector won't vote Trump
Replies: 127
Views: 22202

Re: Texas Republican elector won't vote Trump

dale blanker wrote:
mojo84 wrote:
dale blanker wrote: Try this: ... l-college/
"As Alexander Hamilton writes in “The Federalist Papers,” the Constitution is designed to ensure “that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.” The point of the Electoral College is to preserve “the sense of the people,” while at the same time ensuring that a president is chosen “by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station, and acting under circumstances favorable to deliberation, and to a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice."
This supports why an elector must not succumb to the whining and protesting progressive dems that look to live off other people's money or further their own wealth. The electoral college is working as designed. This one elector is going against the grain by succumbing to the mob of progressive dems that just don't like the results.
Your logic escapes me. :yawn

Hamilton describes what electors are intended to do, i.e. be informed, judgemental, and make a choice. The elector that this topic is about is trying to do that. Right or wrong, you have to respect his motives. He understands the founders' intent.
It escapes you because I used logic. The citizens of the state of Texas, not a mob of angry lunatics, chose who they want to be president. This guy and one other went against the wishes of the people. Trump is both qualified and the choice of the people of the State of Texas.

Your candidate lost and any efforts to justify discrediting the election or justify the elector's unfaithful actions is disingenuous.
by mojo84
Mon Dec 19, 2016 1:50 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Texas Republican elector won't vote Trump
Replies: 127
Views: 22202

Re: Texas Republican elector won't vote Trump

Soccerdad1995 wrote:
mojo84 wrote:
Soccerdad1995 wrote:Hillary herself said that a refusal to accept the election results would be "horrifying". I think this is a very accurate description of the actions that she and the rest of the liberals establishment are taking. Horrifying.
Didn't she go further to say something to the effect of it being a threat to our democracy?
Yes. And her buddy Hussein also said that it would be impossible to hack the election results. Of course, this was when they thought she would win....
Exactly! Funny how they seem to change their tune when things don't go their way.
by mojo84
Mon Dec 19, 2016 12:50 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Texas Republican elector won't vote Trump
Replies: 127
Views: 22202

Re: Texas Republican elector won't vote Trump

Soccerdad1995 wrote:Hillary herself said that a refusal to accept the election results would be "horrifying". I think this is a very accurate description of the actions that she and the rest of the liberals establishment are taking. Horrifying.
Didn't she go further to say something to the effect of it being a threat to our democracy?
by mojo84
Mon Dec 19, 2016 12:42 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Texas Republican elector won't vote Trump
Replies: 127
Views: 22202

Re: Texas Republican elector won't vote Trump

dale blanker wrote:
Bitter Clinger wrote: There is NOTHING in the 2nd Article of the Constitution stating that electors should vote their conscience. That is simply sore looser left wing dribble being promoted by cry baby Democrats who chose to run a candidate who violated her oath of office and sold state secrets to foreign governments for personal enornment. Small wonder that the same traitors would now encourage electors to violate their oaths. Makes me want to puke...
Try this: ... l-college/
"As Alexander Hamilton writes in “The Federalist Papers,” the Constitution is designed to ensure “that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.” The point of the Electoral College is to preserve “the sense of the people,” while at the same time ensuring that a president is chosen “by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station, and acting under circumstances favorable to deliberation, and to a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice."
This supports why an elector must not succumb to the whining and protesting progressive dems that look to live off other people's money or further their own wealth. The electoral college is working as designed. This one elector is going against the grain by succumbing to the mob of progressive dems that just don't like the results.
by mojo84
Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:25 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Texas Republican elector won't vote Trump
Replies: 127
Views: 22202

Re: Texas Republican elector won't vote Trump

philip964 wrote:Apparently he's getting help from Van Jones.

Nice vetting!
Wow. This stuff is stranger than fiction.
by mojo84
Wed Dec 07, 2016 10:43 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Texas Republican elector won't vote Trump
Replies: 127
Views: 22202

Re: Texas Republican elector won't vote Trump

Liberty wrote:If they signed a legal document promising to vote one way, Seems as though we could sue them for breach of contract. Get a lien on their home and future earnings.

Really? Were you a party to the contract? Have you experienced direct monetary damage? :headscratch

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