Yes you were. What you "believe" and what is are two different things. He is an elector for the state of Texas. The citizens of the state chose Trump. Trump is qualified. He should have voted Trump based on his pledge. Nothing twisted in that logic except it doesn't align with your progressive liberal thoughts and beliefs.dale blanker wrote:Naw, I wasn't endorsing Chris Suprun as anything, only defending what I believe should be all electors rights. I still think it's a neat idea to have a filter on the popular opinion which seems so frequently to be poorly informed or formed.G.A. Heath wrote:This elector was not breaking his oath/pledge in doing what the founders intended. Instead what he did was break a pledge in an effort to enrich himself and/or his "charity" that is now getting a much closer look. This man has a history of behaviour indicates he is a less than honest person. My advice would be to think long and hard before holding this man up as a "Constitutionalist" or "Patriot" because he is more like a carpet bagger.
If it wasn't this way, the east and west coasts would chose all of our presidents. This system spreads the decision more equitably among the citizens of the states.