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by mojo84
Thu Jun 23, 2016 6:10 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Our one and only theater
Replies: 18
Views: 4586

Re: Our one and only theater

Oldgringo wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:For that and other reason$, 'our one and only theater' is the 55" Samsung HD-4K TV that we bought a couple weeks ago. Between our DISH HOPPER, NetFlix, Red Box and Amazon, we can see everything that's worth watching in the comfort and security of our modest house within easy reach of the refrigerator, popcorn maker and our equalizers.
Bingo! We might even have the same TV as yours. Great minds, and all that.
Thank you, TAM. I will concede that Mojo84 has the bigger one. :oops:
But it's not 4k.
by mojo84
Thu Jun 23, 2016 3:14 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Our one and only theater
Replies: 18
Views: 4586

Re: Our one and only theater

Oldgringo wrote:For that and other reason$, 'our one and only theater' is the 55" Samsung HD-4K TV that we bought a couple weeks ago. Between our DISH HOPPER, NetFlix, Red Box and Amazon, we can see everything that's worth watching in the comfort and security of our modest house within easy reach of the refrigerator, popcorn maker and our equalizers.

That's wonderful. Glad it works just fine for you to not have to deal with going out of the house to see a quality movie. For the most part, I feel the same as you do regarding movie theaters as I've had a high end home theater setup for quite some time now. However, it's also good to be able to get out of the house some and invest time in my daughter by doing things a 14 year old girl enjoys doing. When I was able to carry concealed in our local theater, the cons with regard to $ and distractions to which you allude to were considered a very small investment considering the value of investing time with my daughter doing something she enjoys.

When I get old and have no one else to think about, I may take the same tact as you have. Until then, I'll watch my 60" tv with 7.1 surround sound most of the time and then take my daughter to another theater in which I can carry concealed.
by mojo84
Thu Jun 09, 2016 2:33 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Our one and only theater
Replies: 18
Views: 4586

Our one and only theater

AMC Theaters recently purchased Starplex Cinemas. Until recently, the theater only had a 30.07 sign. Was there yesterday and noticed they now have both 30.06 and 30.07 signs posted on the doors.

Here's what really gets me. Prior to the movie they show a little "safety" announcement telling people of we see something suspicious to be sure to alert a theater employee. If someone starts doing something to harm people we were advised to move quickly to the nearest exit and exit the theater as quickly as possible.

I had already surveyed the layout and realized the regular entrance/exit is on the same side of the theater and only about 10 to 15 feet away from the emergency exit. Therefore, someone could walk in and stand between the two exits and it would be almost impossible to get past them unharmed unless everyone just bumrushes the exit and overwhelms the bad guy,

Not real happy about this turn of events and that is the only theater we have in Boerne. Looks like I'll go back to my normal routine of seeing a movie in a theater very rarely.

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