It is not my intent to derail or hijack this thread. I am just wanting to acknowledge what I believe is a very insightful thought and give an example of how this very thing happened nationally.Lynyrd wrote:
Let's say a person wants to run for city council, county commissioner, school board, etc., etc., because they don't like what that body is doing and they want to change things. This person gets elected and now has a vote when decisions are made, but they are just one vote. If the elected body still makes the wrong decision, do you lump the one good guy in with the rest and tar and feather him too? Or do you get a little backbone and run for another seat on that body so that you can add to his vote?
I believe Cruz was seen as an insider just because he was a senator. Even though he had stood for solid conservative principle and the Constitution to the point he was probably the most hated individual by his congressional colleagues. He was in essence treated just as Lynyrd mentioned above instead of other like minded people rallying behind him and joining in the fight. Justifiable deep seeded anger overruled reason and logic.
I too have succumbed to my anger at times and have fallen for the "they are all bums and throw all the bums out" mindset. This is a dangerous mindset as it will continue to set us back. This attitude negates any progress we make by getting good people with right motives elected. Instead of throwing out the good guys with the bad, let's work on adding more good guys and gals.
As long as we continue to punish the good guys that get elected, few good guys will run for office. Let's punish the bad guys and support the good guys. This is how we will Make America Great Again!
Edited for grammar and coherence.