A couple of points. I have no clue what went on in your situation and do not want to know. I did not make my comment in regard to your situation. My comments were directly related to the topic of this thread. No system is perfect. The current system needs significant improvement.mayor wrote:mojo84 wrote:You said it yourself, "it took some effort". It can be done. Therefore, I stand by my comment as it can be done even when one is an adult that is a danger to themselves or others.
wasn't anything I did - either before or after. without providing details, 'cause it ain't nobody's business but ours, we worked to get help when we first recognized help was needed. it is difficult to get others to see the same things we did. after high school, he left home, but returned. things could have turned out a lot different than they did. HE sought help.
My point is blaming the parents is ignorant.
The people saw what was going on and even once the mentally ill son threatened the father with a wrench and he suspected the kid was going to kill him, they still did nothing. Once he did kill his dad, the lady has blamed everything and everybody instead of taken responsibility for raising her child.
Dealing with a mentally ill family member is extremely difficult for all involved. However, the fact it is difficult isn't a valid excuse for inaction. This lady and her husband did not act appropriately in response to her son's illness. I am not blaming her. I am saying she didn't do all that could have been done and now she is blaming the system, the cops, the stores, guns and pro-gun people instead.
My family has also dealt with mental illness that resulted in tragic ends. The responsibility falls on my family and the mentally ill members themselves and no one else and surely not the inanimate object that was used. Blaming others and inanimate things does no one any good. It is only a temporary salve that use to comfort themselves but it does not cure the emotional wounds from loss or guilt.