The spinning and backtracking in this thread is quite humorous. Puma, here is your exact quote that started this. It said nothing about a waiter making policy. It addressed giving notice. The only morphing this thread has done was by you trying to spin and twist the comments to justify your original comment and make the law fit what you want.
I also disagree with the statement that a waiter can give you notice to leave.
No one has suggested asking for a manager is "arguing". If that is what you want to do, do it. If you want to make and issue of confirming the waiter actually has the authority to give you notice, that's your business. Hopefully, it won't be misinterpreted as you refusing to leave. Also, if the waiter is overridden, do you really want that person bringing your food to you? Nowhere have I or anyone said or insinuated that one "deserves" to lose their license for asking for clarification.
Whether you like it or not, all it takes is "apparent" authority. It does not say anything about actual authority. You guys seem to want to make the two same and they are not.