A-R wrote:Generally speaking discharging a firearm within city limits is a crime, unless justified by Chapter 9 of Penal Code. There IS an investigation of any discharge of a firearm within city limits. Whether tha investigation shows justification comes later.
From what little I've seen, he called saying he shot a dog that attacked him. Therefore, the officer was not aware there was a crime committed other than that of someone's dog attacking someone. Generally speaking, when a dog attacks someone that is a crime but defending oneself against a dog attack is not.
The comment that I questioned was phrased in a way that indicated the officer was there to investigate a crime committed by the deceased when at the point of the officer showing up it appears the only crime that was evident was that of someone allowing their digg to attack someone. If that's the case, I don't set why the deceased was being disarmed on his property.
If it comes out he was acting irrationally or overly angry, there may be justification.
Not trying to judge anyone but trying to get a better idea of what went down and why.