Maybe this, "Frankly, whether you believe it or not is your choice. It happened, and your disbelief won't change the facts. It's a shame that you felt the need to make a stink about it, but your "opinion" has been heard...for whatever that's worth.BTW, I can't believe that a guy would point a loaded .22 to his head and pull the trigger (viewtopic.php?f=26&t=46352) -- but my disblief does not change the fact that he is dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound."
Or maybe this, "No skin issues here bud. But I don't run off at the mouth questioning the veracity of someone else's post simply because it doesn't fit my snug little definition of real."
Keith B wrote:That means no personal attacks and discuss your differences in a civil manner. You can debate, but it must be in a business like manner.v-rog wrote:Could you please clarify what you mean by "keeping this civil?"
Keith B wrote:OK folks, keep this civil or the thread will be locked.
And Pug, hopefully your son reported this to the manager. It is important that they know these types of things went on. And if he knows who handles the security video, maybe there is a possibility they could provide a clip of the incident that could be posted and we could all see it if it was in range of a camera.