This was my very first car. A 1977 Ford Taunus. Yep TAUNUS. I was 18, in Germany and didnt know squat about cars growing up in NYC. I bought it in 1988 from a soldier in my unit that was coming back to the states for $700. I took 2 mini stereo speakers and put em in the back window for my sounds Lol. After a couple of months a light came on. So I put gas in it and it went off. As I drove again the light came on so I put gas in it and it went off. This went on for close to 3 weeks.
I finally asked my supervisor why the gas light keeps coming on a few minutes after I fill it up. He looks at it, burst out laughing because that was the oil light.
I was driving this car ALL OUT with no oil in it. That car ran like a champ. I finally had to let it go when a guy in a Volkswagon GTI revved at me while at a stop light.
The light changed and we took off. I went to shift into second and the shifter came out in my hand. THE WHOLE shifter! LOL. I'll never forget that car.
This is the same car just not mine...I dont have any pics of it.
This is my current car. 2004 Mustang. aka "Supes"
This is my 3rd Ford and like the other two, has run well over 100K and still no major issues (knock on wood).