Incredibly, when penalties for drunk driving are made too onerous, jail sentences, loss of driving licenses, etc., juries will not convict as readily, and when that is noted, fewer plead guilty, preferring to roll the dice on a jury. So, courtrooms get clogged and convictions go down.OneGun wrote:I am thinking that California needs to adopt some other laws. According to the CDC ( ... sheet.html), a drunk driver kills someone every 51 minutes. Therefore,
(1) in California, only people with a "owners license" should be allowed to own a motor vehicle. Owner's License requires a background check and a 15 day waiting period before you can take a motor vehicle home from a dealer.
(2) In addition, anyone convicted of drunk driving should permanently lose their right to own a motor vehicle and permanent revocation of their driver's license.
Not only will these two laws make the roads safer, but it will improve California's congestion problem. However, because California is a "sanctuary state", these laws do not apply to illegal immigrants. We don't want the Democrats to lose their voter base.
DMVs around the country claim that driving is a privilege, but they are the only ones. Everyone else believes that driving is a right, and if you mess with it, you lose elections.