Humor check! Humor check! Aisle 3!MeMelYup wrote:Gang related crimes are not a type of organized crime?JALLEN wrote:The war on organized crime was so successful that now we are left with only disorganized crime.K.Mooneyham wrote:The article was at least well-written, something most gun-controllers and antis never bother to do. However, something blatantly obvious was not pointed out, and it would change the "narrative" dramatically about firearm homicides in the USA. If gang violence was brought under control, then the numbers of firearms homicides would plummet. If you look at the numbers, the largest group of those who are being shot are young black males, almost guaranteed as a result of gang-related crimes. I won't violate forum rules and bring up broader social topics, but if someone refuses to see the impact of gang violence on the entire problem, they are being willfully ignorant and only care about the politics of the thing, in my opinion.
Good grief!