texanjoker wrote:Charles L. Cotton wrote:She has admitted she's guilty and will plead guilty. She didn't say she was going to resign and I find this absurd. How can she or someone in her office go before a jury and ask them to send another DWI defendant to jail or prison?
The part that does bother me is that they keep referring to her as the top law enforcement official. The rest of us that are the real law enforcement officials would automatically loose our police license for 10 years and be fired for a dwi conviction. Funny how attorneys that are described as the top law enforcement official don't fall under that same standard...
You are hired by an organization that has established rules, policies, etc. An elected official is "hired" by the electorate which is the sole judge of performance, suitability. There are no policies, no standards, whatever you can get away with. We have witnessed thoroughly despicable men and women returned to office despite the most immoral, heinous and irresponsible conduct, and good men turned out of office for trivial, or no, reason at all, other than the opponent was "cooler."
If you wish to contemplate what I hope is the outer limits of this explanation, consider the case of one Alcee Hastings, who distinguished himself sufficiently to be appointed to the US District Court bench, a prestigious assignment for a lawyer. After some years of "bench warming," Hastings managed to become one of a small handful of persons in US history to be impeached by the House of Representatives, for taking a $150,000 bribe, for crying out loud, convicted in the Senate and removed from office. He was spared conviction in criminal court only because his "bribor" could not be made to testify. Apparently on the theory that "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em," Hastings ran for Congress, was elected and has now served more than 20 years!
Some people, devoid of shame or scruples, manage to get themselves elected and remain in office anyway. I leave it to you to figure out the party affiliation and other characteristics of most of these.