Right there in the same paragraph where it says that nothing that isn't expressly stated can ever be OK.APynckel wrote:
Yes, really. Find where in the constitution it says that SCOTUS is to be the final say on constitutionality for me. No, please go ahead, i'll wait.
You're entitled to your views. It makes no difference to me, you understand. I don't begrudge anyone their eccentricities. I treasure my own so. But your view is merely that.
All I am pointing out is that there is 200+ years of Constitutional Law, which has been argued and debated and ruled upon and voted upon, all to the contrary, mostly by the most learned and experienced legal thinkers in the country. There are few legal principles more solidly entrenched in our law. Someone has to be the final authority, to interpret the Constitution, measure new laws against it, resolve the clash of vital Constitutional interests, and decide. Almost everyone agrees that the Supreme Court is it. If you chose to challenge it, that would be what we lawyers sometimes call "an uphill fight."