There are 54 counties in California, and 18 Sheriffs on that list. Those counties are almost exclusively the cow counties, sparsely populated rural areas in eastern and northern CA. Folks in those areas are consistently out voted by the densely populated areas along the coast, from San Diego to San Francisco on state wide issues, but can be quite sensible on local ones.
CCW's as we call them here, are issued by the Sheriff in each county usually. Although a police chief can issue, in almost every case, they cede the issuing authority to the Sheriff to avoid the duplication, expense, etc. In the urban counties, the policy works out to be "no issue." LA, San Francisco, Orange County to an extent with the most recent Sheriff, some others are impossible to get approved. OTOH, in the cow counties, many are virtually "shall issue." Anyone with an appropriate record can apply and obtain one. They are good everywhere in the state once issued. You aren't allowed to carry in courthouses, airports, bars etc. There is no 30.06 type stuff.
Sheriffs in the cow counties are generally supportive, the urban ones not so much. Our Sheriff here issues permits because he has to, but would rather not. If he had his way, nobody but sworn officers would have a gun.
San Diego is tough but not impossible. If you have a clean record, been around awhile, own property, own a business, have good references and an intelligent statement of good cause, you have a chance. There are something like 1,800-2,000 CCWs in San Diego. I had one myself, as an attorney, business owner, ex-Navy officer, long time resident, impeccable record, tall, good looking, thrifty, clean, brave, and reverent. Well, most of that! I had to produce letters from my wife, board of directors (me and her!), references (luckily my long time friends are solid citizens too!), finish the required school, pass the shooting test at the Sheriff's Range, complete all the paperwork, pass an interview, and pay for it all. It took some months and more than $500 all told. My permit specified 3 pistols by make, model and serial number I was permitted to carry, and limited my carrying to "business purposes only" whatever that means. I did not renew it last time in anticipation of moving to Texas, as soon as our house sells.
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- Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:24 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: With companies not selling to LEO's READ
- Replies: 4
- Views: 607
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