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Sat Sep 29, 2012 11:37 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Dad kills teen son during attempted burglary
Replies: 32
Views: 2804

Re: Dad kills teen son during attempted burglary

cheezit wrote:
JALLEN wrote:I bet he wishes he had had the talk with his son, don't go burglarizing folks' houses or places, messing with stuff that doesn't belong to you, etc. By the time a kid is old enough to go out on his own, somebody needs to make sure that has been covered and understood. That is one of the things fathers are for.

Would the regret be any less if someone else had shot his kid? I hardly think so. It is not much solace, but at least he knows the circumstances, and doesn't have to wonder if his son was murdered and the reality was covered up somehow, as is often claimed.
IDK abot this one. My father never really had to tell me breaking in to someones house was wrong. It kind of goes back to geting your hand slaped at 2 years old for touching stuff that is not yours.
I hope his father can find some peace in his life after this ordeal
Exactly. Somewhere, some how, the kid has to be taught, not just told, that this is wrong, impermissible and dangerous, by somebody, whether it is good ol' Dad, your Grandmother or a Cub Scout Den Mother, whatever.

Every one of these perps who end up dead from a home invasion shoot out should have been told, taught, not to do that.

There are thousands of life lessons you have to make sure your kids understand, not all of them with this tragic a consequence, of course.
Fri Sep 28, 2012 1:05 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Dad kills teen son during attempted burglary
Replies: 32
Views: 2804

Re: Dad kills teen son during attempted burglary

I bet he wishes he had had the talk with his son, don't go burglarizing folks' houses or places, messing with stuff that doesn't belong to you, etc. By the time a kid is old enough to go out on his own, somebody needs to make sure that has been covered and understood. That is one of the things fathers are for.

Would the regret be any less if someone else had shot his kid? I hardly think so. It is not much solace, but at least he knows the circumstances, and doesn't have to wonder if his son was murdered and the reality was covered up somehow, as is often claimed.

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