What happens if you're carrying and the president pops in?

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Re: What happens if you're carrying and the president pops i


Post by Jaguar »

myntalfloss wrote:I tend to avoid large crowds as a rule, but as to the traffic, shutting it down for the Prez probably didn't make a discernible difference.
Welcome to Austin - be prepared to stop.
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Re: What happens if you're carrying and the president pops i


Post by talltex »

I had the pleasure of meeting President G.W.Bush a couple of weeks before 9/11, when he was spending the part of August and September at the ranch (about 10 miles from my house as the crow flies). Secret Service contacted us and said the Prez would like to come over and play golf the following Monday morning and would like to have a couple of the local players to meet him and go around with him. It was quite an experience to see what all was involved in making that happen. A couple of Agents came down on Friday afternoon and met with myself, the other 2 guys, the course manager, and some of the local Law Enforcement Chiefs and Sheriff, and explained that we were not to say anything about it to anyone ahead of time. We would be allowed to bring our families out to meet him also, but asked us not to tell them about it until Sunday night. We needed to be at the course at 6:30am in order for everyone to be ID'd and cleared...Bush would arrive at 7:30 and we'd tee off about 8:00. Sunday evening about an hour before dark, ten 15 passenger vans arrived with SS agents dressed in all black combat gear and they spread out around the perimeter of the property about every 50 yards and remained there all night to make sure no one entered the property (this is not in a residential area) but surrounded on 3 sides by native pasture/woods and third side by a river. When we arrived the next morning, there were an additional 20-25 plain clothes agents in khakis and golf shirts waiting for us. They ID'd everyone then took cameras, golf bags, purses, etc...into a large semi trailer full of communications and security equipment, to be examined and searched, then each family group was assigned to a particular agent that walked with them at all times and answered questions about the job...what was "ok" to do as for as pictures and autographs etc... all very low keyed and friendly. At the appointed time we heard a helicopter approaching, and it was two Blackhawk choppers flying above a convoy of five Suburbans which were book-ended by two Texas DPS Troopers on the front and back of the Suburbans. As the group turned off the main road into the entrance drive (about 1/4 mile long from main road) the DPS units stopped and parked across the roadway blocking access. the helicopters flared off and landed at the airport about 6 miles away and waited until he was ready to leave. The Suburbans parked in line and Pres. Bush, stepped out of the center one and the others were carrying more agents that stayed close to him as he walked over to our group to introduce himself. He was very laid back and friendly to everyone and after quick round of intros and handshakes he asked if he could spend a few minutes with the kids...took them over to the porch and sat down with them and answered questions from them about being President, had one of the agents bring him some golf balls with POTUS seal and signed them for our kids, then posed for pics with each of them individually and together. The agents that had arrived in the convoy, had all loaded up some bags onto their golf carts that didn't look quite like our golf bags...I asked one of them what he had in the bag...the latest oversized titanium driver? He laughed and said "well it DOES have some titanium, and a few other alloys, but it'll reach out there a lot farther than your drives". Then we played golf and afterwards he took pics with some of the course employees and the local LEO's. He really was a very easy going and a nice guy....easy to be around and after 30 minutes everyone was just acting normal...joking...needling each other a little on a bad shot and so forth. I made a comment to "my agent" about being surprised at the planning that had to go into him playing a round of golf...about 200 agents...some standing in the treeline all night and half the day,...the helicopters, and all. He laughed and said "this is about as perfect a set-up as we can have...far enough off the main road that we don't have to worry about someone crashing through the fence onto the course...no buildings or tall structures around we have to secure...no line of sight from any roadways....not like most golf courses where you have houses lining every fairway that have to be secured also...just establish a secure perimeter and if anyone flies in the vicinity while we are here, the helo's will keep them from approaching closer than 3 miles...piece of cake compared to most of our outings." We all had a good time and before they loaded up he said he'd like to come back again around Thanksgiving when they'd be at the ranch for a couple of weeks...then 9/11 hit and that was the end of his golfing for a long time.
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Re: What happens if you're carrying and the president pops i


Post by VMI77 »

Cedar Park Dad wrote:
I don't know how offended I'd be by being asked to put it away or leave.. That's much less invasive than shutting down the roads that the president travels on. Or the No-fly zone that was present over airports surrounding austin...
That still happens. I know, I've been caught in it when he was in Houston on a fundraiser, shut the whole downtown down.

I can actually understand why they would want to search people there, if I have the option of not being there. :tiphat:

HOWEVER...i'd bet good money the won't let you leave, under the guise you might be alerting someone. But I'm talking out of my butt and thankfully have no experience at all.

Having worked at Sams when former Bush Sr. appeared twice they never did any of that nonsense. He just sort of...appeared with a bunch of people.
Those who believe they'd merely be asked to leave are kidding themselves. If he showed up unannounced and you were discovered to have a gun, CHL or not, they'd take your gun and detain you at a minimum, probably interrogate you for a few hours, and possibly even arrest you for cover.....probably dropping the charges later. There's not a thing you could do about it and any lawsuit would dismissed out of hand.

BTW, I ran into Laura Bush and two SS guards in DFW. I was miffed because our non-stop flight had gotten stopped and we lost our seating positions, so I went through the doors to the pre-boarding area for Southwest, and found myself in front of Mrs. Bush, two assistants, two SS guards, and a uniformed Dallas officer. They barely looked at me, they didn't tell me to leave, and in fact, never questioned or said a word to me.
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Re: What happens if you're carrying and the president pops i


Post by VMI77 »

philip964 wrote:
sjfcontrol wrote:In the early 1970's, Nixon decided to visit K-State (prompting KU to dub us "Nixon's favorite High School" :grumble )

Anyway, for a couple of weeks before the visit, the campus was crawling with Secret Service. In order to blend in with the college crowd, they were apparently allowed to take off their jackets. So, yeah, a bunch of older men, with short hair, wearing white shirts and ties blended well with a bunch of younger, long-haired kids in tie-died t-shirts.

My buddy recorded his speech, and also picked up my running commentary (not complementary). The Republican Students brought in signs, which were strictly forbidden.

That's the only time I've been in the same room with a president.

Nixon and I have since settled our differences. :biggrinjester:
Small world. I was there as well. Cheering him on, booing the five or six protestors that tried to shout out "Four dead in Ohio". Yet not long afterwards, I was supporting George McGovern.
When I was in high school we were bussed to the Harlingen airport to see President Nixon. We weren't background checked, questioned, searched, or isolated. He walked down a line of students shaking hands.
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Re: What happens if you're carrying and the president pops i


Post by VMI77 »

RetNavy wrote:
myntalfloss wrote:.... shutting it down for the Prez probably didn't make a discernible difference.
another time Clinton was coming back from a overseas visit..... decided to stop in Hawaii for a round of golf..... HPD closed down H1 freeway in BOTH directions so he could be driven to the golf course..... normally wouldn't have been a problem but it was during evening rush hour.... played 9 holes and closed freeway again so he could leave....
Think about what an arrogant narcissist you have to be to disrupt the lives of thousands of people so you can get a haircut, play a round of golf, or drop in on some BBQ joint. The very fact that they do this so routinely tells you all you need to know about their character and their feelings about the American people.
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Re: What happens if you're carrying and the president pops i


Post by Jim Beaux »

VMI77 wrote:
RetNavy wrote:
myntalfloss wrote:.... shutting it down for the Prez probably didn't make a discernible difference.
another time Clinton was coming back from a overseas visit..... decided to stop in Hawaii for a round of golf..... HPD closed down H1 freeway in BOTH directions so he could be driven to the golf course..... normally wouldn't have been a problem but it was during evening rush hour.... played 9 holes and closed freeway again so he could leave....
Think about what an arrogant narcissist you have to be to disrupt the lives of thousands of people so you can get a haircut, play a round of golf, or drop in on some BBQ joint. The very fact that they do this so routinely tells you all you need to know about their character and their feelings about the American people.
One of the Bush's curtailed a lot of his activities because he didnt like disrupting the community.
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Re: What happens if you're carrying and the president pops i


Post by gringo pistolero »

VMI77 wrote:Those who believe they'd merely be asked to leave are kidding themselves. If he showed up unannounced and you were discovered to have a gun, CHL or not, they'd take your gun and detain you at a minimum, probably interrogate you for a few hours, and possibly even arrest you for cover.....probably dropping the charges later. There's not a thing you could do about it and any lawsuit would dismissed out of hand.
Our forefathers 235 years ago wouldn't have wasted time with a lawsuit.
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Re: What happens if you're carrying and the president pops i


Post by Oldgringo »

Of all of my earthly concerns, this ranks 712th.

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Re: What happens if you're carrying and the president pops i


Post by Unicorn Rancher »

Oldgringo wrote:Of all of my earthly concerns, this ranks 712th.
That high? :headscratch

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Re: What happens if you're carrying and the president pops i


Post by b322da »

Cedar Park Dad wrote:
Scott Farkus wrote:http://www.kvue.com/story/news/local/co ... /12502695/
"A bunch of suits came in the room and cased the joint and frisked me and everybody and then everybody went nuts with their cameras and the president came in and shook everybody's hand," said Webb.
afaik, neither Franklin BBQ nor Magnolia Cafe are posted 30.06 or 51%. President pops in, Secret Service frisks you and finds your weapon. You have a valid CHL. What happens? I assume they take gun - do they give it back when he's gone? Under what authority could they take it? You're not on federal property or violating any laws, right? Is there some kind of "halo rule" that follows the president and creates a federal gun free zone around him?
They won't be frisking me without cause.
I think that forum readers are entitled to know what one should do to stop Secret Service agents from frisking them under the circumstances being considered here. I say this only in the interest of the welfare of those readers.

a. Draw a concealed handgun carried pursuant to their valid Texas CHL?
b. Physically resist them?
c. Evade them by fleeing from the immediate premises?
d. Complain vociferously, citing their "Constitutional rights," hoping the media most likely present make video and audio recordings?
e. Call their lawyer?
f. Or something else?

Meanwhile, as readers consider what their attitude and action might be, they might consider at least the following:

In 1971 Congress established criminal penalties for a person who “knowingly and willfully obstructs, resists, or interferes with an agent of the United States engaged in the performance” of the Secret Service's protection mission. 84 Stat. 1892. I would suppose their lawyer could argue to a federal judge that being frisked under the circumstances related here was an unreasonable search and/or seizure. In 1965 Congress authorized Secret Service agents to make arrests without warrants if a crime is committed in their presence. 79 Stat. 890.


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Re: What happens if you're carrying and the president pops i


Post by Cedar Park Dad »

b322da wrote:
Cedar Park Dad wrote:
Scott Farkus wrote:http://www.kvue.com/story/news/local/co ... /12502695/
"A bunch of suits came in the room and cased the joint and frisked me and everybody and then everybody went nuts with their cameras and the president came in and shook everybody's hand," said Webb.
afaik, neither Franklin BBQ nor Magnolia Cafe are posted 30.06 or 51%. President pops in, Secret Service frisks you and finds your weapon. You have a valid CHL. What happens? I assume they take gun - do they give it back when he's gone? Under what authority could they take it? You're not on federal property or violating any laws, right? Is there some kind of "halo rule" that follows the president and creates a federal gun free zone around him?
They won't be frisking me without cause.
I think that forum readers are entitled to know what one should do to stop Secret Service agents from frisking them under the circumstances being considered here. I say this only in the interest of the welfare of those readers.

a. Draw a concealed handgun carried pursuant to their valid Texas CHL?
b. Physically resist them?
c. Evade them by fleeing from the immediate premises?
d. Complain vociferously, citing their "Constitutional rights," hoping the media most likely present make video and audio recordings?
e. Call their lawyer?
f. Or something else?

Meanwhile, as readers consider what their attitude and action might be, they might consider at least the following:

In 1971 Congress established criminal penalties for a person who “knowingly and willfully obstructs, resists, or interferes with an agent of the United States engaged in the performance” of the Secret Service's protection mission. 84 Stat. 1892. I would suppose their lawyer could argue to a federal judge that being frisked under the circumstances related here was an unreasonable search and/or seizure. In 1965 Congress authorized Secret Service agents to make arrests without warrants if a crime is committed in their presence. 79 Stat. 890.

Simple, tell them I was an illegal immigrant child (despite the beer belly and beard) from Guatamala who had just crossed the border and was looking for asylum and my permiso.
The President wouldn't get near me. :rolll

Otherwise "D" I'm not seeing where you're going here. I don't think anyone here has advocated violence in any manner.
It also should be noted this is a CHL state and this is legal. If the SS doesn't like it, fine but its not illegal. I have no need to be there and in this scenario you surprised me, not me you.
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Re: What happens if you're carrying and the president pops i


Post by KC5AV »

I'd likely leave, but I'd probably tell the SS I was there first. If he didn't like the fact that I was armed, he could wait his turn.
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Re: What happens if you're carrying and the president pops i


Post by Dori »

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Re: What happens if you're carrying and the president pops i


Post by ScottDLS »

b322da wrote:
Cedar Park Dad wrote:
Scott Farkus wrote:http://www.kvue.com/story/news/local/co ... /12502695/
"A bunch of suits came in the room and cased the joint and frisked me and everybody and then everybody went nuts with their cameras and the president came in and shook everybody's hand," said Webb.
afaik, neither Franklin BBQ nor Magnolia Cafe are posted 30.06 or 51%. President pops in, Secret Service frisks you and finds your weapon. You have a valid CHL. What happens? I assume they take gun - do they give it back when he's gone? Under what authority could they take it? You're not on federal property or violating any laws, right? Is there some kind of "halo rule" that follows the president and creates a federal gun free zone around him?
They won't be frisking me without cause.
I think that forum readers are entitled to know what one should do to stop Secret Service agents from frisking them under the circumstances being considered here. I say this only in the interest of the welfare of those readers.

a. Draw a concealed handgun carried pursuant to their valid Texas CHL?
b. Physically resist them?
c. Evade them by fleeing from the immediate premises?
d. Complain vociferously, citing their "Constitutional rights," hoping the media most likely present make video and audio recordings?
e. Call their lawyer?
f. Or something else?

Meanwhile, as readers consider what their attitude and action might be, they might consider at least the following:

In 1971 Congress established criminal penalties for a person who “knowingly and willfully obstructs, resists, or interferes with an agent of the United States engaged in the performance” of the Secret Service's protection mission. 84 Stat. 1892. I would suppose their lawyer could argue to a federal judge that being frisked under the circumstances related here was an unreasonable search and/or seizure. In 1965 Congress authorized Secret Service agents to make arrests without warrants if a crime is committed in their presence. 79 Stat. 890.

I believe the procedure is that the Secret Service (don't have the initials SS for nothin') come in, throw you physically to the ground, and kick you to see if any guns fall out. If you complain or speak at all, they pull a micro-Uzi out and and empty about half a mag into you. They then find any family or friends of yours and require them to clean up the location before His Majesty the President treads his Royal Self into the location. This has been standard procedure since at least the 1940's, though the micro-Uzi's didn't come in till the mid 80's as they weren't invented until then. :evil2:
4/13/1996 Completed CHL Class, 4/16/1996 Fingerprints, Affidavits, and Application Mailed, 10/4/1996 Received CHL, renewed 1998, 2002, 2006, 2011, 2016...). "ATF... Uhhh...heh...heh....Alcohol, tobacco, and GUNS!! Cool!!!!"
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Re: What happens if you're carrying and the president pops i


Post by Oldgringo »

KC5AV wrote:I'd likely leave, but I'd probably tell the SS I was there first. If he didn't like the fact that I was armed, he could wait his turn.
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