Would you search for a shooter?

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Re: Would you search for a shooter?


Post by nightmare »

74novaman wrote:For me, the answer is no. My responsibility is to my family. Can't take care of my responsibilities if I'm dead or in jail, or if my assets get seized because I didn't correctly identify targets and the situation. Every law abiding citizen in Texas has the same chance I do to make the ability to protect themselves a priority by obtaining a CHL and training. I don't see why I should harm my family to make up for someone else's unwillingness to take care of their business.

I won't criticize others for making a different decision, but my family is more important to me than strangers. Sorry.
I don't think you have anything to apologize for. It's similar to the people who live in Houston and spend hundreds of dollars each year on cell phones and cable TV, but can't spare a single Benjamin for their own hurricane preparedness. Like the Cicada, let them dance in the storm to the tune they sang in the sunshine.
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Re: Would you search for a shooter?


Post by Happily Ever After »

74novaman wrote: http://www.stoppingpower.net/commentary ... ention.asp" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Best quote from that article, IMO:
would you be willing to jeopardize everything you own and your family’s security for a total stranger? Would you be willing to lose your home, your cars, and your retirement to play Knight of the Round Table?
That's definitely something worth considering before The Moment of Truth.
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Re: Would you search for a shooter?


Post by Jim Beaux »

Impossible to answer this question as there are too many variables....but considering that many active shooters carried an automatic rifle with large capacity mags....and my edc is a 7 shot LC9, it would be suicide to do much more than set up a defensive position.

and if the potential victims appeared to be libs....sorry bout dat kemosabe! :tiphat:
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Re: Would you search for a shooter?


Post by Beiruty »

If I am not armed enough or out numbered, I will seek cover and decide what to do. Otherwise, I would engage.
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Re: Would you search for a shooter?


Post by AJSully421 »

This is why my EDC is a G17 with a spare mag in a smart carry. It gives me the option to do whatever feels right in the situation.

If the shots sound like pistol rounds, sure... game on.

If it sounds like some semi-auto rifle... buh bye.
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Re: Would you search for a shooter?


Post by mtnthundr2 »

Being an EMT for 12 years, my first reaction IS to run in to help someone who may be hurt ....but our first rule to remember (and live by) is, "Is the scene safe?"

When I read this question I immediately saw myself heading towards the sounds of gunshot in my desire to help. Now that I'm officially (as of 6 days ago) a CHL holder I'm going to have to do some serious thinking on this. Reading all the other responses has made me second guess my natural instinct to help others. This is one of the most difficult aspects of the emergency personnel who respond to "emergencies" ..... our desire/drive to get in there to help but having to wait til the scene is safe.
Thank you for posing this question, its a good one to contemplate for sure.
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Re: Would you search for a shooter?


Post by The Annoyed Man »

jmra wrote:Every situation is different. If I am somewhere and kids are dropping like flies I don't think I could hide and watch them die. I think I would try my best to find the shooter while maintaining as much cover as possible.
Now, if I heard shots that were 2 blocks away, probably a different reaction.
That's pretty much the case for me.......I think. I would add this..... If people (not just kids) are dropping like flies all around me, I would probably do my best to find the shooter while maintaining cover.....and take him out. My reasoning is that, if people around me are dropping, then I am in the line of fire, and I need to find cover, and return fire if I can. But I say "probably", because all of this is really just speculation.

With one exception, I am probably not likely to run toward the sound of guns. For one thing, homie don't run. It's undignified. For another thing, I am overweight, out of shape, and getting pretty arthritic. Running, for whatever reasons, just isn't in the cards for me any longer. The exception is if I know for a certain fact that my loved ones are located where the gunfire is coming from. THEN I will hasten toward the sound. But there's no way I'm going to Rambo anything. I'm just no longer capable of it.

I think other posters who say that you never really know how you will react until it happens to you have got it right. Context is everything. And, no matter what I say I will do in a discussion like this, it is nothing more than a statement of my intent.....and the road to hades being paved with the bones of those who had good intentions, my good intentions won't count for much if I cannot make myself carry them out when the real risk of lead poisoning is quite elevated. In all honesty, I honestly don't know what I would really do. Intentions are one thing, but as the Good Book says, "For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out." (Romans 7:18)

I've been shot at.....once....and the shooter didn't actually know I was there. He didn't expect to see anyone where I was at, and there were a lot of trees between me and him. He certainly wasn't trying to kill or hurt me. But after having one of his bullets make a snap as it went past my head, and another bullet impacting a low cinderblock wall behind me, I jumped behind the wall and started yelling for him to stop shooting at me. That was 46 years ago, and there are a lot more miles on the chassis now than back then.

Maybe if I was younger, and felt a little more invincible......
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Re: Would you search for a shooter?


Post by nyj »

Agree with Charles post. As much as my gun is for protecting myself/family/SO, and as much as I am not a want-to-be hero, I'm a bit more hardwired to go towards the bad instead of run, especially if people are getting hurt. Just my nature.

That said, a mass shooting would be one of the only circumstances I would ever get involved. Domestic disputes, fights, etc., are not something I involve myself in.
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Re: Would you search for a shooter?


Post by CoolBreeze »

nyj wrote:Agree with Charles post. As much as my gun is for protecting myself/family/SO, and as much as I am not a want-to-be hero, I'm a bit more hardwired to go towards the bad instead of run, especially if people are getting hurt. Just my nature.

That said, a mass shooting would be one of the only circumstances I would ever get involved. Domestic disputes, fights, etc., are not something I involve myself in.
:iagree: I do not carry my firearm to be a hero. I would not get involved in someone's dispute just to get involved. If it was more practical I would call the police and let them handle it. But if people are being harmed and I am able to I would. Strangers or not, I am hardwired to help.
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Re: Would you search for a shooter?


Post by bilgerat57 »

I do did not start carrying to be a self appointed policeman. That being said, I cannot ignore those in need of help. Circumstances will dictate the response.....
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Re: Would you search for a shooter?


Post by Jason K »

It would depend on the circumstances..... but my default position would be to find cover and evaluate if the gunfire is running toward me first.

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Re: Would you search for a shooter?


Post by thatguy »

Survivability of myself, my family or in rare cases a third person are the only reasons I carry a gun.

In the very rare case of an an "active shooting" I earnestly pray that God gives me the courage to do something. What that might be depends on the situation but I hope I tried to help innocent people from being harmed. :txflag:
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Re: Would you search for a shooter?


Post by ajwakeboarder »

I really can't answer that question. If i heard the shots while walking down the street i'd probably take cover and wait for police. If I was in church and friends and family in other rooms I might try to get to them. I like to play mental "what if" games to try and keep my awareness up. I have worked part time at our church for a few years so i know every part of every room. I could move around and stay covered or at least concealed. Other places that i don't know as well would give me pause.
The OP did specify teachers. I believe in an active shooter scenario, the teacher should get the students to take cover in the corner while they cover the door. Wait for the police/resource officer to track down the shooter. If the teachers go looking for a shooter, they leave their own students vulnerable. The main idea behind arming teachers, IMO, is deterrence. Most shooters prefer targets with no resistance. If they believe that the staff could be armed, even if its just a slight chance, they will probably find another target.

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Re: Would you search for a shooter?


Post by tpynes »

I have just read through the replies. Very interesting discussion and one we CHL holders we need to consider.

As with all decisions in our journey we can only use our own experiences and values to know what we might do. I was born with a love for people in general and am usually "that" guy who loves to talk to others in line and help others anytime I can. It is part of my nature. I am a Christian and spend considerable time reaching out to others as part of my way to give back to a God who has blessed me with so much.

As for experience, I have been in several emergency situations where I had to make life and death decisions...for mine and for others. While I have never been a LEO I have had a gun in my face a couple of times by those who were intent on hurting others... and over the last 5 decades have been confronted by others who were intent on doing me harm and sometimes did a pretty good job of it. I survived even with the scars on my face and hands. I have been robbed at gun point, beaten to unconsciousness and had my ability to feel safe thoroughly shaken. I got over it. Moved on. Remember how much I loved others and that there is good and evil out there...deal with it.

And I have had to react quickly on other occasions to save others. From a few medical emergencies where seconds meant too much blood loss to saving a child who had drowned while risking my own life to reach him. My first aid training kicked in and I was successful(thanks to US Navy training decades ago.)

In the "gun in face" instances it was out of my control and I was not armed. I learned a couple of things: BG's don't always look like BGs and if you aren't aware early enough that a BG is coming and have your gun in hand, you just gave him a gun. He is deliberate and ready...we need to be.

But as for the question of run to or from I am afraid I fall into the hardwired category. I hope I will be cautious, taking cover as I figure things out because I know the GG and BG can be hard to tell apart. Like others I will be on the cell and call 911 but I would always be aware that to an arriving LEO I am probably a BG.

I know that I would be operating in a gray area where the full force of authority could and would most likely default to imprison me, the BG and maybe even GG would try and shoot me, and I might not make it out alive. But I also know the police will not arrive in time...there just isn't that kind of coverage. And above all I love all people. The BG who were not able to rise above whatever is driving them to hurt others and the GG who were having a normal day when someone decided to hurt them. I will run to it. If I can help I will. If I have to shoot I will and sort it out later if it appears it will save lives. Not sure if this is a right answer but it is my answer.

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Re: Would you search for a shooter?


Post by KD5NRH »

tpynes wrote:But as for the question of run to or from I am afraid I fall into the hardwired category. I hope I will be cautious, taking cover as I figure things out because I know the GG and BG can be hard to tell apart.
This is where those college kids in Obama t-shirts come in handy; toss a few out and see who shoots them...then deal with the other guy. :mrgreen:
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