Electoral Votes

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Re: Electoral Votes


Post by Oldgringo »

mamabearCali wrote:Pretty good explanation
This guy is spot on correct!

This is 2012! Forget the 1950's mindset and leap into the current century; otherwise, get used to having a one party system....and, opposed to the divisiveness in the country today, that might not be a bad thing. :patriot:

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Re: Electoral Votes


Post by powerboatr »

anygunanywhere wrote:
snatchel wrote: Please. Be tolerant. Understand that the idea of democracy & freedom that we hold onto with our dying breath extends to those that you disagree from a moral standpoint.

One last thing-- this needs to be put out there-- morality & Christianity are not one and the same.
Thank you for the acknowledgement, snatchel. Much appreciated.

Tolerance, with respect to the dems, gays, and others who want to advance their cause is a one way street. Those who want me to be tolerant have no tolerance for me and my beliefs.

Faithful Catholics, and many more from the other mainstream faiths are now the persecuted simply because we want to be left alone and celebrate our religious freedoms without having social engineering and practices that we do not support forced upon us.

I must be the one that changes.

Morality is not subjective. Morality is objective.

There are immoral christians. It is called sin. I am and have been guilty. I can't change my nature. All I can do is trust in my Savior's Mercy.

Trust me. I am tolerant. I am not judgemental. I work with flaming gays. I have to to keep my job. I am a mid level manager in a fortune 250 company. "Diversity" and "Tolerance" is a daily requirement. I live and work in a secular world. I have no issue with this. I know how the world works. I have seen it. I have spent time at the gates of the biggest abortion mill in the world right in downtown Houston and prayed for the babies that were being (and still are) being slaughtered and mothers that were being butchered. The planned parenthood babykillers will have you arrested if you step off the sidewalk onto the grass. In case you do not know, an arrest today is a federal crime the same as if you were a gangster pimping women or selling drugs, just for trying to save babies.

I do understand.

This is why I refuse to concede to changing my core beliefs. You see, there really is not a political party that has my core beliefs, so I have already made concessions.

as a fellow converted Catholic
I agree 100%
The times make it harder and harder to remain steadfast, but I for one will not fold on my beliefs and my faith.
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Re: Electoral Votes


Post by Oldgringo »

powerboatr wrote: {snip}
as a fellow converted Catholic
I agree 100%
The times make it harder and harder to remain steadfast, but I for one will not fold on my beliefs and my faith.
Super! Why do y'all want to impose your mores, beliefs and judgements on others?

Live and let live, ours is not to judge. God will sort 'em out, eh?

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Re: Electoral Votes


Post by koolaid »

anygunanywhere wrote: Trust me. I am tolerant. I am not judgemental. I work with flaming gays.
One of these sentences is different than the others...
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Re: Electoral Votes


Post by talltex »

koolaid wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote: Trust me. I am tolerant. I am not judgemental. I work with flaming gays.
One of these sentences is different than the others...

noticed that, huh? ;-)
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Re: Electoral Votes


Post by anygunanywhere »

Oldgringo wrote:
powerboatr wrote: {snip}
as a fellow converted Catholic
I agree 100%
The times make it harder and harder to remain steadfast, but I for one will not fold on my beliefs and my faith.
Super! Why do y'all want to impose your mores, beliefs and judgements on others?

Live and let live, ours is not to judge. God will sort 'em out, eh?
Oldgringo, you speak of which you do not know. The Catholic Church does not impose mores, beliefs, and judgements on others.

The Catholic Church has been the steadfast source of Truth for 2,000 years. If you look at history and the teaching of all other world religions their teachings have changes with the times and social engineering. The Catholic Church's teaching is the same today as it always has been.

You are also wrong about one other point in your post. God will not sort 'em out. When we die we sort ourselves out. When we die we judge ourselves because we then understand fully His Right and Truth. These are no longer clouded. We decide to go to either heaven (purgatory for those with imperfections) or hell. If you die outside of God's loving grace you cannot stand to be in His presence.

This might be difficult for some to accept but it is the truth.

Please stop judging the Catholic Church in your posts such as these because they are not true.

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Re: Electoral Votes


Post by RPB »

sorta hijacking ...but election related ... interesting tidbit

Alabama Election 2012: State GOP Plans Election Night Party At Gun Range
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/0 ... 76208.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
A party announcement says the shooting ranges will be available for two hours during the election event. There will also be a band and an appearance by Miss Alabama.
Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming ....
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Re: Electoral Votes


Post by Purplehood »

anygunanywhere wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:
powerboatr wrote: {snip}
as a fellow converted Catholic
I agree 100%
The times make it harder and harder to remain steadfast, but I for one will not fold on my beliefs and my faith.
Super! Why do y'all want to impose your mores, beliefs and judgements on others?

Live and let live, ours is not to judge. God will sort 'em out, eh?
Oldgringo, you speak of which you do not know. The Catholic Church does not impose mores, beliefs, and judgements on others.

The Catholic Church has been the steadfast source of Truth for 2,000 years. If you look at history and the teaching of all other world religions their teachings have changes with the times and social engineering. The Catholic Church's teaching is the same today as it always has been.

You are also wrong about one other point in your post. God will not sort 'em out. When we die we sort ourselves out. When we die we judge ourselves because we then understand fully His Right and Truth. These are no longer clouded. We decide to go to either heaven (purgatory for those with imperfections) or heck. If you die outside of God's loving grace you cannot stand to be in His presence.

This might be difficult for some to accept but it is the truth.

Please stop judging the Catholic Church in your posts such as these because they are not true.

Someone is overlooking the Vatican Reforms...but I would rather not devolve this into an attack on anyones religion.
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Re: Electoral Votes


Post by mamabearCali »

Oldgringo wrote:
Super! Why do y'all want to impose your mores, beliefs and judgements on others?

Live and let live, ours is not to judge. God will sort 'em out, eh?

Well in the case of abotrion I think a mother that chooses abortion is imposing her beliefs on a child that has no defense against the doctors extraction. Those children do not have a voice to argue back that they are alive and would prefer not to be murdered.

on the issue of gay marriage y'all want the govt out of the bedroom......I say certainly, but they have to get all the way out!

No sex education in gov't schools. No discussion of what constitutes a family. Leave that to the parents. No support for contraception or abortion, after all that is between a woman and her doctor and none of the govts business.

Everyone gets the same tax credit (or we can simplify the tax code). When a suspect is taken into custody he/she must designate the intimacy partner that may not be made to testify against them and that person must concur.

If we are truely going to say govt needs to be out of the bedroom and out of people's intimacy choices then the divorce from the gov't must be complete and final. Out out out the govt must go out of the bedroom entirely.

Somehow, I don't think that is what the gay rights movement wants. It seems to me that they want to gov't to be more involved forcing me to pay for their indoctrination of children from young ages. Forcing people to not only tolerate but give their hearty approval to whatever they say or it is "hate speech". It seems to me that they don't want people to leave them alone in their bedroom, rather that they want their bedroom to be in my living room and our school rooms. That to me is not less govt in marriage and intimacy that is more and coercive gov't at that.

Edited for a typing error.
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Re: Electoral Votes


Post by pbwalker »

anygunanywhere wrote: Oldgringo, you speak of which you do not know. The Catholic Church does not impose mores, beliefs, and judgements on others.

The Catholic Church has been the steadfast source of Truth for 2,000 years. If you look at history and the teaching of all other world religions their teachings have changes with the times and social engineering. The Catholic Church's teaching is the same today as it always has been.

You are also wrong about one other point in your post. God will not sort 'em out. When we die we sort ourselves out. When we die we judge ourselves because we then understand fully His Right and Truth. These are no longer clouded. We decide to go to either heaven (purgatory for those with imperfections) or heck. If you die outside of God's loving grace you cannot stand to be in His presence.

This might be difficult for some to accept but it is the truth.

Please stop judging the Catholic Church in your posts such as these because they are not true.


There's a lot of wrong, and a lot of opinion in this post.

I know of several Catholic hospitals that do not perform tubal ligation procedures, even when requested. Why is that?
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Re: Electoral Votes


Post by canvasbck »

pbwalker wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote: Oldgringo, you speak of which you do not know. The Catholic Church does not impose mores, beliefs, and judgements on others.

The Catholic Church has been the steadfast source of Truth for 2,000 years. If you look at history and the teaching of all other world religions their teachings have changes with the times and social engineering. The Catholic Church's teaching is the same today as it always has been.

You are also wrong about one other point in your post. God will not sort 'em out. When we die we sort ourselves out. When we die we judge ourselves because we then understand fully His Right and Truth. These are no longer clouded. We decide to go to either heaven (purgatory for those with imperfections) or heck. If you die outside of God's loving grace you cannot stand to be in His presence.

This might be difficult for some to accept but it is the truth.

Please stop judging the Catholic Church in your posts such as these because they are not true.


There's a lot of wrong, and a lot of opinion in this post.

I know of several Catholic hospitals that do not perform tubal ligation procedures, even when requested. Why is that?

While there was a lot of opinion in anygun's post, your example is not a good one. They will not perform tubal ligation because the hospital will not perform procedures that go against the tenants of their religion. If they do so, then someone else's values are being forced on them. Saying "not in my house" is the right of the person who's house it is. The patient can still get the tubal ligation elswhere and excersise this novel idea called freedom.
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Re: Electoral Votes


Post by mamabearCali »

Because they believe that it is wrong to make oneself infertile without serious life threatening medical cause.

Is there a shortage of places to get tubal ligations? Why force people to do things they think are wrong? If you want your tubes tied go to a difference hospital. Freedom of religion does not begin and end at the church house.
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Re: Electoral Votes


Post by pbwalker »

So a mother goes in for a c-section, gives birth, and wants her tubes tied needs to get sewn back up, and sent somewhere else to have it done...I don't think that's right. Religion doesn't belong in medicine.
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Re: Electoral Votes


Post by Kythas »

pbwalker wrote:So a mother goes in for a c-section, gives birth, and wants her tubes tied needs to get sewn back up, and sent somewhere else to have it done...I don't think that's right. Religion doesn't belong in medicine.
Then why not go to that "someplace else" the first time? If you know you want a tubal ligation, then go to a hospital that will perform it when you have your c-section. People ARE still allowed to shop around in this country to find the place of business which can supply all their needs.

You're tossing out an intellectually dishonest argument here.
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Re: Electoral Votes


Post by mamabearCali »

Kythas wrote:
pbwalker wrote:So a mother goes in for a c-section, gives birth, and wants her tubes tied needs to get sewn back up, and sent somewhere else to have it done...I don't think that's right. Religion doesn't belong in medicine.
Then why not go to that "someplace else" the first time? If you know you want a tubal ligation, then go to a hospital that will perform it when you have your c-section. People ARE still allowed to shop around in this country to find the place of business which can supply all their needs.

You're tossing out an intellectually dishonest argument here.
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