What song hits you every time you hear it and provokes an emotional response from you?
For mine, you might need a little background. My family is a farming family. I had relatives go through the Depression/Dust Bowl era in the Panhandle, and heard a lot of their stories growing up. I also spent my childhood working on my fathers or grandfathers farms, so everything about this song speaks to some experience I have or family story I have heard.
The lines that really get me:
This is one of those songs that reminds me of how hard my great grandparents, grandparents and parents worked to make it. It reminds me that no obstacle I face can really compare to the conditions they dealt with growing up and the incredible faith and patience it takes to farm for a living. It's a very bittersweet song for me, but one that I always love hearing.Our parents had their hard times fifty years ago
When they stood out in these empty fields in dust as deep as snow
And all this trouble in our fields
If this rain can fall, these wounds can heal
They'll never take our native soil
So what song really speaks to y'all?
Edit: Took me a minute to figure out the youtube embedding. Got it fixed now.