So, I finally got to the range and shot off 75 rounds. It was 9 years since I last pulled a trigger, so I wasn't expecting a whole lot.
I did have a friendly bet with one of my co-workers that I would be able to hit the bulls-eye on a target placed at 7 yards away with my first 3 shots. The bet was a 6 pack of shiner bock. The left target is obviously the one I shot at first. When the first round fired I looked at the target and saw that it was in the bulls-eye. 7 yards is not a huge distance, but I was pretty pleased. I posted the picture you see here on facebook and tagged him, so he is aware. I will see him tomorrow, at which point I will tell him to pay his dues. He'll probably say "I wasn't there" and "nonsense". But I do not inflate my own capabilities. That is just not me.
I went to Bullet Trap in Plano. It was raining last Friday, so I had no choice but to go there. Pricy as a non-member (18.99) but not too bad considering I would have paid more in gas if I went to elm fork as I originally intended. They where helpful, and placed me in the #18 lane. It was the far right one, and one of 5 lanes. Must be the premium booth or something. I am thinking about becoming a member once I shoot more. In order to make it worth my while I will have to go once a month. And that isn't happening for a while yet.
I shot 3 distances;
7 yards (picture above) 15rnds
10 meters (all but 4 in the red) 30rnds
15 yards (15 yards had 4 missed, but all still on the paper. Interestingly it was my last 15rnd clip. The first 15 where all good, 10 in the red, 5 out. I guess my arms where getting tired the last 15) 30rnds
The funny thing was there was a guy next to me shooting silhouette, and upped his range to 10 meters to match mine and he was all over the place. As in, he actually missed the silhouette completely and was in the white paper quite a few times. Shooting to the right, with a Glock... It was loud though, much louder than my 9mm. When I looked over I noticed 357 boxes. There was a shock-wave every time he fired. I have noticed most of my rounds tend to go to the left, which is in line with "jerking" the trigger. The few times I actually made an effort to still my breathing and squeeze lightly till the glock fired it was pretty dead on.
I loved every minute of it, and I was happy I picked my old friend the Glock 17. And even happier the 2nd amendment is there, even for greencard holders such as myself! God bless America!
I am going to be able to shoot the CHL requirement with being out of practice for 9 years. And they just give those first 100 points away at 3 yards. You could qualify for that blindfolded. That is pretty scary... CHL class should be on the 19th (next Saturday). I was going to cancel if I was rubbish, but I am good. Going for 200 points on the 3 and 7, and then I am not having to worry about where my shots land on the 15. Wish me luck!