Will I be "profiled" for my age?

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Will I be "profiled" for my age?


Post by MrBalll »

Wasn't sure if this should go here or in General Texas CHL Discussion so I went ahead and put it here.

I have been reading through this forums over the past week or so, mostly in Never Again and LEO Contacts & Bloopers, and see all the stories where someone is pulled over and most of the time the LEOs just dismiss the fact the person has a weapon and don't say anything more about it after the person tells them where it is. I also see that sometimes they just ask the person not to mess with the gun and things of that nature.
I am 23 years old and am wondering if you guys think that the LEOs may see me as uneducated or dangerous simply because of my age. I am not often pulled over, only twice since I was 16 and only one ticket, but just wondering if I am pulled over if they would immediately disarm me. Not saying this is how all LEOs are, I am just wondering what you guys think about this. Thanks.


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Re: Will I be "profiled" for my age?


Post by longtooth »

I told my class today that my thoughts on that is age makes no difference. How you present youself when asked for id.
Matter0fact "Yes sir, DL & CHL, & I am armed - or nervous & "Here's my DL & CCaaCHL & I do have a gun.
Present youself as a mature adult & you will be perceived as a mature adult.
In my eyes anyway.
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Re: Will I be "profiled" for my age?


Post by TexasComputerDude »

I'm 26 and Ive been stopped 3 times and only once was asked to get out of the car.
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Re: Will I be "profiled" for my age?


Post by ELB »

Will you be "profiled" because of your age? Of course you will. So will I. (I am 50). Will you be "profiled" because you are male? Of course. Will I because I am male? Of course (At least I assume you are male, since your moniker is "Mr.")

Young guys, on average, have a reputation for poorer judgement and more impulsive, risky behavior, than, say, 50 year old dudes (if nothing else, I have managed to get to 50 without killing myself or geting incarcerated!). Have you checked what will happen to your car insurance when you hit 25 (the last "good" birthday!) When I was a brand new USAF officer at 22, I waited to buy a Pontiac Firebird until I was 25 because the insurance was going to eat me alive before then. There is a reason for that. Granted "average" does not describe any one individual of the population, but when the officer is walking up to your car, he doesn't know where you are on that spectrum, so he has to go by what he sees.

Also, a large proportion of the criminal population is made up of young males, so your appearance is probably going to raise the officer's alertness a tad.

Is it fair? eh. maybe not, but there it is.

Now, when you politely hand over your DL and CHL, and DON'T do any weird things to otherwise alarm him (like get out of the car, lip off, hide your hands, etc), then he more likely to ratchet down a bit, or at least not drag you out of the car and prone you out. ;-) Or disarm you.

btw, I DO NOT volunteer that I am armed and do NOT recommend it. As a practice I do not volunteer anything, and particularly with guns, I don't want to inadvertently spook the guy (or gal), especially if he is young -- same rep applies to young cops. (They make ME nervous.) I (and you) especially don't want to say, "I have a gun." The cop may not hear the part about the CHL, but he for sure will hear "gun" and you could very well end up looking at his from the wrong end. I go with handing over the CHL, let HIM ask if I am armed, and then he is expecting to hear something about a gun.
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Re: Will I be "profiled" for my age?


Post by Texas Dan Mosby »

How you present youself when asked for id
Behavior is more indicative of a potential threat than any other factor.

Experience shows that certain behaviors are more indicative of potential problems than are others, however, a wise man is ALWAYS on guard for anomalies, and is prepared to deal with the "exceptions".
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Re: Will I be "profiled" for my age?


Post by sss »

I took my class and applied for a CHL a few days after my 21st birthday, and have had numerous interactions with LEOs in several different states. I've never once been disrespected or treated as you would expect a "suspect" to be treated.
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Re: Will I be "profiled" for my age?


Post by MrBalll »

ELB wrote:...Young guys, on average, have a reputation for poorer judgement and more impulsive, risky behavior...
Yeah, that was the main thing that bothered me. Also, yes, I am a male.

I will be sure to keep all this in mind when the time comes. Guess it's a good thing I'm so mature for my age. Thanks for all the feedback you guys.
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Re: Will I be "profiled" for my age?


Post by randomoutburst »

I doubt age will make a difference. My husband got his CHL at 21. He's 22 now and has been pulled over twice since then. Each officer just said, "Thanks for letting me know you have a weapon. Just don't reach for it and we'll be good." He was not disarmed either time.

I just turned 21 and my application is being processed. I'm not worried about being age profiled in the least.

My CHL instructor was a LEO for almost 20 years and he said he didn't profile by race, age, sex, etc. He could just tell who was acting suspiciously, who was in an aggressive mindset, etc. He made it clear that anyone can be a threat, and we should keep that in mind when we're using our situational awareness.

I'm sure not all LEOs have the benefit of this sort of instinct, but my instructor also said that most police officers (especially in Texas) are trained to NOT disarm CHL holders, because they pose a much lower threat than someone of the general (non-CHL) public. There is statistical evidence that a police officer is less at risk if their "detainee" is a CHL-holder vs. a non-CHL holder.

I wouldn't worry about it. If you don't act like a threat, there's no reason for them to treat you like one.

Also, I saw that someone said that you shouldn't volunteer that you have a gun.
I agree with that person's suggestion of handing over your CHL with your DL. You don't need to say anything (and therefore don't need to worry about saying "the wrong thing"). The officer will likely ask if you're carrying and where. He will probably then say something like, "Just keep your hands on the wheel," or, "Just don't reach for it." No problems.

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Re: Will I be "profiled" for my age?


Post by xperthunter »

I have to agree w/ Longtooth on this one.

I am 25 myself, first applied for my CHL at age 19. Spent 6 years in the military (age 17-24) and have had MANY run-ins with a LEO. Mainly because i'm a slightly aggressive driver who used to (though i do not any more, tickets are pricy) speed regularly, and had a tendency to drive +90mph at 2am down I35/183/635/190. That said, it was a regular occurrence that i was judged initially based on age, but once i spoke with the officer, confidence and manner were the most important. I would say i only received a ticket on 1 of 10 stops.

Things to know:
1. An officer does not Have to give you a ticket, this is officer discretion
2. Dont lie: Telling the truth gives you credibility (Officer: "why were you speeding" // me: "Because its 2am, theres no one in sight, i was hoping to get home in short order without getting a ticket" )
3. Traffic stops (like life) are about confidence. If your tone or mannerism are unsure, questionable, or wavering, you give them more reason to check you out.
4. Dont let your mouth talk you into a ticket: Give concise answers, dont embellish, dont try a line...they've heard it all, but do this being polite. "Yes sir" and "yes" can be very different, also, if you say "yes" but ment "hey jerk, you should know this"...they can tell!
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Re: Will I be "profiled" for my age?


Post by 74novaman »

I"ve had 3 encounters with LE officers since I got my CHL. (I have a lead foot). All 3 were polite and professional. I'm 24 and haven't had any ageism issues from the police.

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Re: Will I be "profiled" for my age?


Post by rustylove »

I am 24 and got pulled over for a headlight being out just the other day. The trooper asked if I had my weapon in the car, after handing him both of my cards. I told him "Yes sir in the back seat." Just so happens that I had it in my murse that morning since I was headed to a school. He kinda had a smile and said "If you don't reach for yours I won't have to reach for mine."

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Re: Will I be "profiled" for my age?


Post by CaptWoodrow10 »

xperthunter wrote: 2. Dont lie: Telling the truth gives you credibility (Officer: "why were you speeding" // me: "Because its 2am, theres no one in sight, i was hoping to get home in short order without getting a ticket" )

4. Dont let your mouth talk you into a ticket: Give concise answers, dont embellish, dont try a line...they've heard it all, but do this being polite. "Yes sir" and "yes" can be very different, also, if you say "yes" but ment "hey jerk, you should know this"...they can tell!
Probably the best advice for a traffic stop (dome lights on ect aside). Always be respectful. It may or may not (probably not) get you out of a well deserved ticket, but the officer will be thankful for your respectful behavior. Remember, if you disagree with the citation, you can always take it to court. The officer isn't Judge, jury and executioner. He's just doing his job... Keeping you and your fellow motorist as safe as possible. (Though I don't know how that is even possible in houston. It's not the autobahn people!)
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