Chip wrote:Line jumping? Not fair? I view it differently. DPS is consistently failing to meet its statutory requirements. Personally, I think that everyone who passes the 90 day mark - thereby receiving an implicit denial - should burn up the phones and start a letter-writing campaign. I don't think it's an attempt to "line jump" or "be unfair", it's an attempt to take some initiative and hold DPS accountable. We've paid for a service that DPS is obligated to provide within a specified time frame, and there is nothing wrong with rattling their collective cages until they fix the problem. Perhaps if enough of DPS management hears from enough irate legislators they'll shift staff around to fix the problem. I'd bet that if they assigned two additional officers for three weeks the Harris County backlog would disappear.dwdog wrote:jumping ahead of me from March. If you are an April applicant and reading this, sorry, but it just isn't fair.
The bottom line is that the background checks need to be handled FIRST IN-FIRST OUT and that is NOT what is happening. I got a line of bull from DPS that some BG checks take longer because some people have more on their record,,I call bull! Either there is something on the record that will disqualify an applicant or not, a longer record means it would take a few extra seconds to print, not months like is happening. I am at 142 days and getting very tired of seeing people get plastic that applied two months after I did.