bdickens wrote:There are adults wandering out in the world unsupervised and sometimes they use adult language.
First, I don't know enough about what actually happened to know whether the citation was justified. We all know how the media can be selective in how much of, or what parts of, a story they choose to write about. Personally, while I find offensive language to be, well,
offensive, I do not think that it warrants a citation when used in a private conversation. The proper judgment of "appropriate" or "inappropriate" language should be up to one's peers, IMO, or to the people one wishes to consider as peers. ("you are known by the company you keep.") If enough of one's peers disapprove of certain language, it tends to be extinguished. Conversely, approval tends to increase its usage.
That being said, it always puzzles me how something can be called "adult" when it demonstrates a
lack of self-control, or a
lack of respect for others.
And yes, I'm guilty of using the occasional epithet as well.