Mike1951 wrote:
For the folks mentioning insurance, you must know that a large problem in Texas are folks who make a down payment on insurance to get the 6 month certificate and then never make another payment. Effectively, they have insurance for one month out of six.
That will soon be much less of a problem. Here are some samples of a long FAQ from
http://www.TexasSure.com about a new auto liability insurance verification program.
What is TexasSure?
TexasSure is a new vehicle insurance verification system that will ultimately allow law enforcement, county tax officials and vehicle inspectors to confirm whether a vehicle in Texas has required personal auto liability insurance coverage.
What is TexasSure supposed to do?
TexasSure will help reduce the number of uninsured vehicles in Texas. It is expected to help stop the actions some motorists take to avoid the law, such as using counterfeit proof of insurance cards or obtaining insurance to get a card and then promptly canceling the policy once they’ve renewed their car registration or had their vehicle inspected.
When will TexasSure begin operations?
The system is currently being tested at the Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). Before DPS rolls it out statewide, its troopers will conduct a two-month pilot program in Austin. Since program testing is in progress, the exact date of the roll out will depend on the outcome of this testing, however, we anticipate statewide implementation this summer.
What information is included in the database? Do I have access to the database to make sure my information is included and correct?
The TexasSure database includes vehicle registration information – such as vehicle identification number (VIN), owner name and address, and make, model and year – and insurance policy information – such as address, insured drivers, insurance company name and policy effective dates. Only authorized users have access to the database. You can contact your insurance agent or insurance company to determine whether the information they have on you is accurate and correct.
Who are authorized users?
At this time, access is limited to law enforcement and vehicle registration offices as these entities are vital in helping reduce the number of uninsured vehicles.
How does TexasSure obtain my insurance information?
Every week, insurers provide their policyholders’ auto insurance information to TexasSure, where it is matched to state driver license and motor vehicle records.
How often will TexasSure update my insurance information?
TexasSure receives weekly updates from insurance companies. A suitable grace period allows for data discrepancies due to vehicle sales, changes in policies, and other normal situations.
How often and when will my information be verified through TexasSure?
The electronic TexasSure system will automatically check whether your vehicle is properly insured each time you register or renew your vehicle registration or have an inquiry by law enforcement. The system also will do periodic checks of the database to make sure vehicle owners have not dropped their insurance coverage.
Do I have to have vehicle insurance?
Yes. Texas law requires every driver to carry minimum liability insurance coverage. Proof of insurance is required for annual vehicle inspections, vehicle registrations, and some driver license transactions.
Do I still have to carry a proof of insurance card?
Yes. While the program will provide accurate and timely electronic verification of insurance, you are still required by law to carry proof of insurance.
What are the minimum limits for auto liability insurance?
As of April 1, 2008, Texas law, under Transportation Code §601.072, requires minimum coverage of $25,000 per injured person, up to a total of $50,000 for everyone injured in an accident, and $25,000 for property damage. This basic coverage is called 25/50/25 coverage. These limits will increase to 30/60/25 on January 1, 2011.
What will happen if I cancel my insurance, or it expires after renewing my registration?
The TexasSure program will continually monitor whether vehicle owners have valid insurance coverage. In the near future, notification letters will be sent to vehicle owners who allow their coverage to lapse.
What happens if I don’t have minimum insurance coverage?
Texas law provides severe penalties for driving without insurance. The first conviction may result in a fine up to $350 plus court costs and possible additional fees, as authorized by Transportation Code Chapter 708. Subsequent convictions can result in fines of $350 to $1,000 and suspension of your driver license.
The insurance policy in my name also covers a car titled in my spouse’s name. Will TexasSure verify my spouse's vehicle's insurance?
Yes, if your spouse is also listed on the policy. However, be sure to bring your proof of insurance card as it may be needed to verify the insurance if you and your spouse have different names and/or addresses.
Will all police officers use the TexasSure system or just Department of Public Safety troopers?
Eventually the system will be made available to all officers statewide.
If I get pulled over, will TexasSure tell the officer whether I have insurance?
In most cases, yes.
What if I don't have my proof of insurance card, and TexasSure verifies my coverage, will I get a ticket?
Each law enforcement agency will set its own policies; however, the law states that you must show proof of insurance. So it’s best to keep that card available at all times.
What happens if I'm pulled over and I don't have my proof of insurance card and TexasSure doesn't verify my coverage?
Your chances of getting a ticket go up dramatically. However, each law enforcement agency will develop its own policies.
Where can I find more information about TexasSure?
You can find more information at
http://www.TexasSure.com or contact the Texas Department of Insurance at