concealed in a vehicle

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concealed in a vehicle


Post by oldboyshooter »

I would like to make a pistol more accessible in my truck. The problem I have is that my wife also drives the truck, moving the seat back and forth doing so, and therefore, placing a gun in between the seat and the console is not really reasonable.

If I were to set up a holster on the right side of the truck, under the steering wheel feet area (I do not know what this part of the vehicle is called other than if you extend the console up to the front, it would be on the left side of this feature, accessible by my right hand), would this be considered NON CONCEALED, and therefore a problem.

Putting in under the drivers side window storage area would remove the conceal-ability issue (somewhat), but would not make it accessible for an easy right hand draw (pull it out with the left and transfer it I guess).

My normal concealed handgun is a Kel-tec PF-9 in my pocket, not easily accessible when sitting in my truck.

I apologize for not knowing what to call all the areas of my truck, but a mechanic I am not.

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Re: concealed in a vehicle


Post by seamusTX »

That definition is in the government code, and not automatically applicable to the penal code.

Oldboyshooter, do you have a pocket on the back of the passenger seat?

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Re: concealed in a vehicle


Post by oldboyshooter »

I do have a pocket on the rear of the passenger seat. But alas, I ran out to check out the idea, and momma has taken my truck to Home Depot (she is painting - oh don't get me started). The worst programs on TV are how to remodel your home. Every few months we are repainting again.

Man, they may be just the ticket. I will repost with my impressions just as soon as she finishes buying all the paint and accessories that home depot owns.

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Re: concealed in a vehicle


Post by oldboyshooter »

Well, momma made it home and the bank account is not totally depleted. I can reach that pocket in the rear of the passenger's seat. Bit of a stretch, but makes more sense that the other options and is certainly concealed. Now, to find the correct holster (IE read cheap) to put Velcro on to stick it correctly in that pocket (it is a big old thing).

Thanks for the advise.
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Re: concealed in a vehicle


Post by seamusTX »

Uncle Mike's has cheapie (less than $20) holsters that have a metal clip and can be reconfigured in various ways.

Have fun with the house painting.

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Re: concealed in a vehicle


Post by oldboyshooter »

Thanks Jim, however, I think house painting and fun are oxymoronic.

Now shooting and fun, that goes together nicely.

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Re: concealed in a vehicle


Post by Glock 23 »

oldboyshooter wrote: Bit of a stretch, but makes more sense that the other options and is certainly concealed. Now, to find the correct holster (IE read cheap) to put Velcro on to stick it correctly in that pocket (it is a big old thing).

Thanks for the advise.
ive got that pocket on my big (road trip) car and put my gun there on longer trips in the C-TAC holster I use to carry concealed. Fits fine and hold more than enough to draw quickly if need be. when reaching my destination, move the entire rig to my right hip.

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Re: concealed in a vehicle


Post by bdickens »

You two don't switch seats while you're driving, do you? Move the gun when you get out of the truck; it's probably not a good idea to leave it in there anyway if you don't have to.

I carry my Glock in the center console on the way to work, covered by a small hand towel in a similar color to the car's interior. When I get there, the pistol, still covered goes in one swoop into the side pocket of a duffel bag and into the building with me. No one could tell what it is even if they were looking in the window right then.
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Re: concealed in a vehicle


Post by fiftycal »

Put the gun in one of these and then loop the seat belt thru the carrying handle. Some :woohoo cut me off the other day and I had to go to 100% brake. Pistol stayed right where it was. Another nice thing is that you can undo the seat belt and carry the pack around or strap it onto your belt.

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Re: concealed in a vehicle


Post by frankie_the_yankee »

I used to "carry" in my passenger seatback pocket for years when I owned a Firebird that had one. It was a very cool place to stash the gun as long as there were no passengers in the back seat. When there were, I would just wear the gun strong side like always.

At the risk of getting the tactically oriented guys irritated with me again, if you should have passengers in the back seat area of the truck, just carry strong side and "risk it." In my view, when you're in your vehicle, your first line of defense is, as always, your brain - i.e. situational awareness. Your second line of defense is the combination of the gas pedal and the brake pedal. In almost any situation, these two aspects of your layered defense should give you time to access your third line of defense - the gun - no matter how you are carrying it.

You notice a threat developing, get the heck out of there. This includes thinking ahead far enough to avoid boxing yourself in at stoplights. It includes watching your mirrors and your overall surroundings at drive up ATMs and such other similar places.

About a year and a half ago in Austin, I had a car full of what looked like banger types cut me off badly (twice in quick succession, so I knew it was not accidental) on a frontage road. As they went by I could see their angry expressions and gestures directed at me. I have no idea why they did this, as I had not impeded their progress in any way. It might be that they didn't like the "W" decals and the NRA decals on my back window. I don't know.

Looking ahead, I saw that we were both going to be sitting at a redlight in a moment, with me about two cars ahead on their right. There were 4 or 5 guys in their car, and just me and my wife in my compact pickup. I was carrying my Commander strong side at the time. I slowed to give myself some extra time before passing them, drew the gun, and held it in my right hand on my lap. As I cruised past them slowly (more slowly than I needed to) I stared at them and saw more angry expressions and gestures. As I pulled up to my spot in the traffic line, I kept an eye on them in my side mirror. I can remember clearly thinking to myself, "Don't get out of that car."

They didn't, and we all went our seperate ways.

I know it's just an anecdote, and anecdotes don't prove anything. I just recount it here as an example of situational awareness, and the huge tactical advantages it can convey. The quickest draw, after all, is when you alread have the gun in your hand, right?

If those guys had gotten out of their car and approached me in a threatening manner, maybe carrying clubs, edged weapons, or even guns, however I was carrying my Commander would not have mattered in the slightest, because my awareness had already worked to place the gun in my hand.

Anyway, passenger seatback pockets work great. I found myself that the pocket tends to sag after a while, but any good auto unholstery shop can take care of that when needed.
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Re: concealed in a vehicle


Post by WarHawk-AVG »

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Re: concealed in a vehicle


Post by milkcartonkid »

i would also like some clarification on this...
As a current member of the waiting room, i do arm myself while traveling in my vehicle (thank you castle doctrine) and i was under the impression that concealed = out of sight. Meaning tucked under my left leg. Do i have to go and get some holstering device that fits under the steering wheel that isnt nearly as out of sight as my gun is under my thigh? as long as i am only being stopped for a Class C there is no reason why i cant have a gun where i keep it is there? its not "on my person" in a holster so what is the definition of this?
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Re: concealed in a vehicle


Post by boomerang »

milkcartonkid wrote:i would also like some clarification on this...
As a current member of the waiting room, i do arm myself while traveling in my vehicle (thank you castle doctrine) and i was under the impression that concealed = out of sight. Meaning tucked under my left leg. Do i have to go and get some holstering device that fits under the steering wheel that isnt nearly as out of sight as my gun is under my thigh? as long as i am only being stopped for a Class C there is no reason why i cant have a gun where i keep it is there? its not "on my person" in a holster so what is the definition of this?
Anywhere within reach is considered on or about your person.

You don't have to buy any kind of holster if you don't want to but think about where the gun will go if you have to brake hard.

One of the FBI guys in the Miami shootout had his pistol rolling around the floor because it wasn't secured.
"Ees gun! Ees not safe!"
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