Texas to the rescue of our 2nd Amendment rights

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Re: Texas to the rescue of our 2nd Amendment rights


Post by parabelum »

Rafe wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 6:36 pm Fox News just reported that SCOTUS has declined to hear the Texas election case. This deal now looks looks dead.
Yep. Treason runs high. Wouldn’t even hear the arguments.
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Re: Texas to the rescue of our 2nd Amendment rights


Post by Grayling813 »

Rafe wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 6:36 pm Fox News just reported that SCOTUS has declined to hear the Texas election case. This deal now looks looks dead.
Not to say I told you so but......

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Re: Texas to the rescue of our 2nd Amendment rights


Post by seph »

Rafe wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 6:36 pm Fox News just reported that SCOTUS has declined to hear the Texas election case. This deal now looks looks dead.
That's the worst possible outcome. It the SCOTUS heard the case and then ruled against Texas, that would have settled the issues. Without the case being heard, I do not see anyway forward for this country. Our divide will grow and the country will fall apart. I wonder how many countries will emerge in the land formally know as the United State of America?
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Re: Texas to the rescue of our 2nd Amendment rights


Post by bagman45 »

Agree. I will also add that since the Supreme Court justices were too cowardly to uphold the ACTUAL CONSITUTION, we need to go ahead and disband the Court, as there is no longer a reason to have it. We'll just have to fight it out in the streets when the Communists Left comes for us; which they will directly....

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Re: Texas to the rescue of our 2nd Amendment rights


Post by cirus »

bagman45 wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 8:00 pm We'll just have to fight it out in the streets when the Communists Left comes for us; which they will directly....
Then let's get it on. :waiting:
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Re: Texas to the rescue of our 2nd Amendment rights


Post by Lynyrd »

seph wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 7:36 pm
Rafe wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 6:36 pm Fox News just reported that SCOTUS has declined to hear the Texas election case. This deal now looks looks dead.
That's the worst possible outcome. It the SCOTUS heard the case and then ruled against Texas, that would have settled the issues. Without the case being heard, I do not see anyway forward for this country. Our divide will grow and the country will fall apart. I wonder how many countries will emerge in the land formally know as the United State of America?
My allegiance is to Texas. It's an old country. My great, great grandfather fought at San Jacinto. His blood is in my veins.
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Re: Texas to the rescue of our 2nd Amendment rights


Post by philip964 »

philip964 wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:52 pm Imagine if they don’t take it and Biden serves a few months then resigns in disgrace after his crimes come out and socialist Kamala try’s to executive action all kinds of socialist gun grabbing stuff with a cloud of election fraud and more hard fraud being discovered every day.

With more than half the country blaming SCOTUS everyday.

And it’s not like Trump isn’t going to run in 2024 starting Feb 1st 2021.
With Trump putting the blame squarely on SCOTUS sholders.

Then Trump and family are arrested and jailed over something.

This could go South real fast in Minecraft.

So here is where we are now. Worst possible outcome for SCOTUS and the country. They didn’t give Texas its day in court.

Texas has no standing, they said. Other states may do illegal things that affect our state and we have no way to even be heard.

One thing to rule against us, another to not hear us.

Biden will be impotent.

2022 will be a disaster for the Democrats. Trump will continue to campaign and raise money till they foolishly put him behind bars.

Then in Minecraft will happen in Minecraft.

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Re: Texas to the rescue of our 2nd Amendment rights


Post by srothstein »

Lynyrd wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 10:22 pmMy allegiance is to Texas. It's an old country. My great, great grandfather fought at San Jacinto. His blood is in my veins.
About 30 years ago, circumstances came up where I had to take a closer look at where my loyalties lie. Being Jewish, I am automatically eligible for citizenship in Israel under their Law of Return.I was working for SAPD at the time and we hosted a group of Israeli police officers on a learning visit for a couple weeks. During the visit, the subject of my visiting Israel and claiming my citizenship came up. Included was the point that both the US and Israel recognize dual citizenship. I seriously thought about it and came to the conclusion that I could not do it at that time. An old saw about a man not being able to serve two masters came to mind and I ended up telling the other officers that I knew that at some point in time, Israel and the US would have opposing interests. If I were a dual citizen, how could I I decide which to support? So, since my primary loyalty was to the US I declined to claim my Israeli citizenship. I did tell them that I would consider it and if the US ever went in a direction where I could no longer support this country, I would go to Israel, but instead of dual citizenship, I would renounce my US citizenship so the question of my loyalties would not come up.

But as a result of that discussion, I also thought about what it would take to get me to leave the US. I love my country. I consider it the best country in the world, even as I know it has some flaws. But my primary loyalty is to the way our country was designed. I love freedom. I support capitalism. I strongly believe in a limited government. I have studied some history and I know how conflicted Robert E. Lee was about his role in the Civil War. He decided that his primary loyalty was to his state over the federal government. I do not know if I would have made the same decision he did at that time. I do know that if it comes down to another civil war in the US, I will be on the side of freedom.

In a war of Texas secession, I would have to take the side of Texas. I would have to renounce my US citizenship if I did because even if Texas lost that war, I could not support the US ever again. If the US goes full socialist (or much more socialist than it already is), I would not be able to support the US again. I truly believe that Texas would still stand for freedom (which means it would also be more for capitalism), which is why I can say I would support Texas. I have to point out that if this war starts as a race war and the federal government was on the side of not allowing a single race to take control or claim extra rights or privileges, I would still probably support the US. I don't see that war as involving Texas versus other states, but a mass uprising that the government would try to put down across the US. If something happened where I could not support Texas either, I would have to leave the country. I don't know if it would be to Israel, but I will not live under the socialists I see taking over in the US right now.

I keep praying that this war never does really come, but I honestly have to say I expect it. In about 90% of the possible scenarios I see coming, I will support Texas. In about 5%, I would support the US and in the last 5% I would have to leave. I hope all of you consider all the possible scenarios that could occur and decide what you will do under the various circumstances that might occur.
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Re: Texas to the rescue of our 2nd Amendment rights


Post by bagman45 »

Great post Steve. Sadly; I believe that we are ALL at, or will soon be at the point of decision. Since the SCOTUS declined to even HEAR an argument regarding our Constitution; they are no longer a legitimate body. What comes next will not much matter, in terms of the "law". We must all make our choices. Standing or kneeling; we'll all make our choices. As for me; I wasn't born in Texas, but got here about as fast as I could, and have LOVED this great state for the past twenty-five plus years. Sadly, she's also been infiltrated and is wavering, but I will stand with Texas, as there is really nowhere else to go. Montana and the Dakotas will be viable for Patriots for a while, don't really have the ability to sustain themselves. Texas does. I'm an old guy, and it breaks my heart to see our great country and its people abused by the global elite, political class, banksters and tech oligarchs; but we are where we are, and need to accept that fact and decide where, or IF we'll each make our stands. God bless...
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Re: Texas to the rescue of our 2nd Amendment rights


Post by Flightmare »

Seen on facebook
Political science and logic. Here goes:
This country is only the United States because of the Constitution. That is, that document is the only thing that makes our place on the earth more than just a piece of geography between Canada and Mexico, a small atoll in the Pacific, and a patch of land due east of Siberia.
Therefore, if the Constitution has no legal meaning, if it is no longer the controlling force of law in our nation, then there is no longer a “United States” by definition.
And if there is no United States, then Texas or any other state cannot logically secede because there is nothing to secede from.
If it abandons the Constitution, the Supreme Court will have declared that the Constitution no longer has any meaning, whether or not they meant to do that and whether or not they even realized that’s what they were doing. They will still have done it.
In that case there would no longer be a “United States,” just some unclaimed land acreage in the northern hemisphere, and Texas should declare itself a new sovereign nation, from whole cloth, set and prepare to defend its own borders, and set up its own independent government.
The alternative would be to do nothing and continue to live in the make believe that the United States still exists, sorta like continuing to drag your dead dog around the neighborhood by a leash, pretending you are walking him.
The next few weeks will decide if the United States continues to exist or if SCOTUS kills it. I hope it lives.
Should be interesting.
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Re: Texas to the rescue of our 2nd Amendment rights


Post by Grayling813 »

https://nationalfile.com/texas-gop-chai ... rejection/
In a statement, Texas GOP Chair Allen West responded to the decision, and argued that in the tossing of the “constituionally legitimate and critical” lawsuit, SCOTUS has “decreed that a state can take unconstitutional actions and violate its own election law,” suggesting secession may be a solution:

“Resulting in damaging effects on other states that abide by the law, while the guilty state suffers no consequences. This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the US constitution and not be held accountable. This decision will have far-reaching ramifications for the future of our constitutional republic. Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution.
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Re: Texas to the rescue of our 2nd Amendment rights


Post by Paladin »

SCOTUS sides with the interests of the Chinese Communist Party and Wall Street over the States and Americans:

Truly sad.

But God Bless Texas, the other states who joined the lawsuit, Ken Paxton, Allen West and all those who sought a peaceful, lawful solution to this naked power grab.
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Re: Texas to the rescue of our 2nd Amendment rights


Post by Grayling813 »

Paladin wrote: Sat Dec 12, 2020 9:38 am
But God Bless Texas, the other states who joined the lawsuit, Ken Paxton, Allen West and all those who sought a peaceful, lawful solution to this naked power grab.
Media outlets are saying SCOTUS rejected hearing Texas’ case, but the fact is that it was 18 states who were rejected.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
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Re: Texas to the rescue of our 2nd Amendment rights


Post by parabelum »

Grayling813 wrote: Sat Dec 12, 2020 9:48 am
Paladin wrote: Sat Dec 12, 2020 9:38 am
But God Bless Texas, the other states who joined the lawsuit, Ken Paxton, Allen West and all those who sought a peaceful, lawful solution to this naked power grab.
Media outlets are saying SCOTUS rejected hearing Texas’ case, but the fact is that it was 18 states who were rejected.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
Time to form a more perfect union.

Agree 100%. Words cannot express how disappointed I am in the support of lawlessness at all levels. Very few options they leave us.
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