Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.

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Re: Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by jason812 »

Since the genetic make up of this virus supposedly has been released to the world, are there any credible sources saying it was or was not man made? I have seen read that it is without a doubt man made and has HIV bits and pieces but the websites seemed nothing but conspiracy theories. The sites said it was a Dr. in India making that claim. I doubt if it were man made, the CDC would tell us. I'm not going to post the links because I'm not sure how reliable they are.
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Re: Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by strogg »

jason812 wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2020 5:29 pm Since the genetic make up of this virus supposedly has been released to the world, are there any credible sources saying it was or was not man made? I have seen read that it is without a doubt man made and has HIV bits and pieces but the websites seemed nothing but conspiracy theories. The sites said it was a Dr. in India making that claim. I doubt if it were man made, the CDC would tell us. I'm not going to post the links because I'm not sure how reliable they are.
At this point, the consensus is that it is not man made, nor did it leak from the P4 lab down the road from Wuhan. The Indians that made the original claim of the link to HIV read the data incorrectly and has since retracted that statement.

Apparently, SARS type viruses generally mutate and jump from animal to animal on a regular basis. This one just happened to be a bad outbreak of such instance. The proximity to the P4 lab isn't a coincidence. Southern China is a hotbed for the mutating SARS type flu virus. The research lab, a world renown location, is just the right place to put such a lab for studying those viruses. Considering the measures required to keep the specimens secure, it is far more likely that this is just another natural outbreak than it is a leak. The lab was trying to get ahead of the game, but unfortunately was unable to do so.

It doesn't help that the Chinese government was slow and ineffective at the initial containment of the virus. I'm not a fan of the government by any stretch of the imagination. That aside, now that they are in the public spotlight, they and everyone else will do everything by the book the best they can to properly contain the virus.
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Re: Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by Grayling813 »

Meanwhile in the United States....
CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 19 million flu illnesses, 180,000 hospitalizations and 10,000 deaths from flu.
CV has been reported as cause of death for 1 person outside of China. There have been 11 confirmed cases in the US.

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Re: Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by philip964 »

A link I was sent. Caution.

The video shows a small one room apartment, apparently everyone was dead a mom and dad and three young children.

It could have been all faked. People playing dead.

Apparently you collapse and die. We have seen other videos like this of people collapsing on the street.

So sad if true. ... ronavirus/

Doctor who first reported the illness was censured, detained and now has contracted it.
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Re: Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by PriestTheRunner »

03Lightningrocks wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2020 5:17 pm It seems like we have one of these"pandemic" viruses every other year. So far it never actually comes to pass. We always seem to get some kind of vaccine or treatment. Large scale deaths always seem to happen in, less than civilized, countries. It seems like just yesterday that the swine flue was to be the end for us all. About the only people really affected were in the pork industry as people got scared to by pork products. I scored some great buys on pork chops during all that.
Swine flu killed at least 150,000 people... Thats pretty significant.

Whats scary about Wuhan virus is that the death rate is still relatively high among otherwise young and healthy populations.
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Re: Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by RoyGBiv »

philip964 wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2020 2:04 pm A link I was sent. Caution.
What's the chance that 5 people died so close together that all 5 bodies are just lying about like that.?
Either it was staged or suicide, IMO.
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Re: Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by philip964 » ... 20416.html

3 new cases in CA.

A lot of people visit a place I had never heard of until this started.

Taiwanese figure out how to keep a supply of face masks from being scooped up by the Chinese, put there flag on it.

From a friend who does work in China:

“Take a close look at the 8 day hospitals.  I think they are just using the pre-fab prisons designed for the muslims.  Basically portable jail cells.”

“All my CA customer are in lock down.  ie.  No outsiders onsite unless for some priority equipment support.”
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Re: Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by Lynyrd »

There is a big cover up going IMHO. The real death toll is quite probably over 100,000. Check out the video accounts from Wuhan residents on Twitter.
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Re: Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

Considering the history of China with the truth, it is highly likely they are hiding the real numbers. China has so darned many people, a million of them could disappear and never be noticed.

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Re: Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by philip964 » ... 58717.html

10 on Japan cruise ship confirmed with the virus.
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Re: Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by Beiruty »

24K confirmed
500 died

Real number is most likely 10X, 250K (Out of 11 millions city is 2% of the population)
Severly ill are 25% or 60K
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Re: Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by jason812 »

The State of the Union speech and the aftermath has put this on the back burner.

If this is true, then the outbreak is worse than we've been told but many don't believe what we've been told. ... 7-21434630
Chinese crematoriums are working “24/7” as they burn bodies of people killed by the coronavirus in Wuhan, it has been claimed.

Workers are reportedly working flat out and without break as they are constantly sent the bodies of victims – it is claimed they have been burning 100 bodies every day since January 28.
His workplace is reportedly required to pick up bodies from Wuhan Tongji Hospital, Wuhan No. 13 Hospital, the newly built Huoshenshan Hospital, and other small hospitals.

They are also available to any residences that request their services.

Yun claimed he has spoken to other crematorium workers who are all in the same situation.

He alleged “every day, we need at least 100 body bags” – which is much higher than the official death toll which is only now nearing 500.
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Re: Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by surferdaddy »

So let me preface that I am not an expert but I know a bit about viruses and communicable diseases (I hold degrees in biology and biochemistry).

Corona viruses are relatively common amongst humans. We have likely all been infected before as they account for about 1/3 of all “colds” in humans.

This “novel” or newish corona virus will join 5 other known commonly contracted human corona viruses. Of the five previously known; 3 cause minor cold symptoms and two (SARS and MERS) cause more severe upper respiratory complications, pneumonia is generally the worst result.

Corona viruses do not “like” heat nor humidity, these conditions rapidly deactivate them. Therefore these viruses are seasonal like the flu and largely go dormant in a population until favorable conditions are present.

A virus’s R0 quotient (reproduction factor) is used to describe how communicable it is. R0 figures suggest how many people, on average, and infected person will themselves infect. This virus is about 3.6 by recent estimates. MERS is around 4, seasonal flu is about 1.3 and measles is around 18. Our new virus is in a normal range for corona viruses. However, corona viruses are notorious for long incubation times when people seem fine but are still quite contagious; making this family of viruses difficult to contain.

This virus (2019 n-CoV) is still very “new” but all accounts point to its mortality rate of around 2%. This is difficult to ascertain at this stage; one has to remember that many people which contract it will never be counted as they are either asymptomatic, mildly affected or afraid to admit infection. Seasonal flu mortality is around 0.10%. Most corona viruses are seldom fatal however SARS is about 10% fatal and MERS kills almost 40% of those infected. So 2019 n-CoV is more severe than the flu but not astronomically so.

Thankfully, corona viruses do not mutate at an especially high rate.

I personally think we will have a couple of rough seasons with this but it will eventually “throttle down” and join the group of common seasonal ailments. I know that China is very good at controlling information when it impacts the state. I’m sure that in the near future there will be some VERY alarming figures coming out of China. This disease is not trivial and many people will become infected, like 100,000s or maybe into the millions. But, this virus is not the end of times pathogen that some are fearing.

Please feel free to fact check this info because I casually gathered it or recounted much of it from memory and as always...wash your hands and don’t touch your face!!!

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Re: Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by philip964 »

Thanks Surfer Daddy for your post above. Very informative.

Tencent a big Chinese internet company may have accidentally released the real numbers

25,000 dead 150,000 potential infected ( I have rounded off the numbers they posted). That would be a 16% mortality rate, except some of those infected could still die. ... ly-cluster

Striking mutations present within one family group.
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Re: Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) from China: Its going to be bad.


Post by surferdaddy »

I can’t speak to the actual numbers of infected or killed, if this is true it would be a very bad sign.

These next few weeks will be quite telling about the direction this will go. Once a large enough population is infected in China I have to believe that there will be MANY more infected showing up outside China. The fact that there are still relatively cases outside of China gives me a bit of hope that the numbers of infected are not too high yet.

All it really takes is a nightmare scenario of a carrier who has no knowledge of their contagious nature, who is in a position that makes frequent contact with the public; like a ticket agent, bank teller or physician in a location outside of China and off it goes.

I do know a lot about single stranded RNA viruses and corona viruses, like SARS, use molecular machinery to proofread their RNA after replication to detect and delete errors. Fortunately this catches most mutations. Hopefully it is the case with this virus.

There are vaccines for other corona viruses, it will be months before one can be made ready though and that is even with skipping some testing steps.

Scary stuff.
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